
Apply for African Legal Impact Scholarship at University of California USA, 2023

Are you from Africa and you are seeking for a scholarship to further your education? Then this article is for you because we would be taking you through on how to apply for the ongoing African Legal Impact Scholarship at the University of USA.

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The African Legal Impact Scholarship was created to encourage registration of students from Africa seeking to futher thier  education at the University of California, Berkeley.

Because budgets are excessively limited, the African Legal Impact Scholarship would only be granted to two excellent applicants every year.

So applicants must adhere to the application process and provide all neccessary documents that would be asked so as to higher your chance of getting selected for the African legal Impact  scholarship.

Furthermore, In this article you would get to know all about the African Legal Impact Scholarship at University of California USA and how to successfully apply.

So endeavor to read this article meticulously so as to gain better knowledge and proceed on applying for the scholarship.

Application Deadlines: 

1st November for option A (spring start) [CLOSED]

18th December for option B (summer start)

Eligible Countries: African countries( the eligible country is strictly on African countries alone)

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To be taken at (country): University of California, Berkeley

Scholarship Type: Masters

Number of Awards: 2 (only two applications would be considered for the scholarship)

Value of African Legal Impact LL.M Scholarship: This is a full-tuition waiver however selected application will be responsible for paying only the $1,000 seat deposit as well as paying for the travel and living expenses.

Then the scholarship would cover all aspects of the school fees and project fees.

Duration of Programme: 1 year


  • Applicants must be African
  • Applicants must have an outstanding academic records
  • Applicants must have finished their bachelors degree program
  • Applicants must be proficient and speak English language very well
  • Applicants must be accepted to the LL.M. executive track program before they can apply for this scholarship where. Scholarship application instructions will be supplied to eligible accepted students.
  • Applicants must be ready to follow instructions and rules been given
  • Applicants must exhibits good behavioural character.

How To Apply for African Legal Impact Scholarship

  1. A Statement of Intention explaining what the scholarship applicant’s plans on fulfilling in Africa after graduating from the LL.M. executive track
  2. A complete application to the LL.M. executive track program received no later than: November 1st for option A (spring start) December 18th for option B (summer start)
  3. Afterwards a transcripts and letters of recommendation must be forwarded to LSAC in advance in order to allow time for processing of l documents.

Furthermore, to get more information about the African Legal Impact Scholarship at University of California USA, 2023 Visit The Official Website For More Information.


In conclusion, the African Legal Impact Scholarship is only for African countries and rewards only a very limited persons. So to get full information visit the official website.

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