
Applying for a Foreign Scholarship? Follow These Tips to Secure One in Nigeria


Foreign scholarships can be difficult to secure if you don’t know what you’re doing. Fortunately, if you follow these simple tips on how to secure a foreign scholarship in Nigeria, you will find the application process much easier, and you’ll increase your chances of winning an international scholarship in Nigeria by leaps and bounds. First, take time to understand what kind of scholarship you’re applying for – is it an academic one? 

Applying for a Foreign Scholarship?

Make sure that you know your target country and the requirements before you apply. You need to be mindful of their age requirement, their citizenship requirement, and what type of scholarship or sponsorship they are looking for (funding vs. tuition). Moreover, make sure that you have enough money set aside in your bank account so that the application process is quicker than ever.

The moment you get the scholarship, it will take about two weeks for it to go through all the processes before it gets into your account. The last thing you want is for this crucial time period to go by without having any funds available.

Read Also: How to Access Scholarships To Study Abroad As Soon As possible.

  Top Nigerian Student Scholarships Opportunities to Study Abroad 

Applying for a Foreign Scholarship? Follow These Tips to Secure One in Nigeria

Curious about how you can go about applying for a scholarship from overseas? Outlined below are some tips to help you secure a scholarship from Nigeria

      1. Prepare your application well ahead of time – if something’s worth getting, it’s worth working hard for! Good luck and happy bidding!
      2. Know the deadlines for submitting applications – more often than not, these will be given to you in advance by those providing the scholarship. Be sure to keep an eye out for this information when looking into scholarships.
      3. Get started early with your research into where you might like to study abroad or what subject area or specialization is most relevant to what you want to do with your life so that by the time of application deadlines, there won’t be any surprises waiting for you!
      4. Check all the details of your award thoroughly before accepting it. If anything seems fishy, don’t accept until you have clarified it with whoever sent you the offer.
      5. Start building your portfolio now – many scholarships require applicants to submit evidence of their achievements as proof they’re eligible for them; this could include copies of academic certificates or transcripts, examples of written work such as essays and articles they’ve been published in, references from previous employers etcetera.
      6. Ensure you meet the qualification for the grant.

Applying for a Foreign Scholarship? One should: 

      1. a) Apply for admission into any tertiary institution (college, university, polytechnic); 
      2. b) Have an O level certificate; 
      3. c) Be between 17-25 years old; 
      4. d) Meet the conditions of grant availability. 
  How to Apply for a Fulbright Scholarship USA in 2023

Remember that there are many scholarships available out there; it just takes research and application to secure one. 

Check online websites such as Fulbright, DAAD, Rotary Foundation, and more to find the most appropriate scholarship program. 

Applying is easy with this website but before applying you will need to create an account by clicking on Create New Account on the homepage. 

Once you have created your account, click on Apply Now under the Fulbright Scholarships tab and fill out the application form with all relevant information and attach any required documents.

Have Alternative Plans If You Don’t Get It

Regardless of how well-connected you are, there is no guarantee that you will get the scholarship. You will need to put together an alternative plan. For example, if you do not get the scholarship after putting your best foot forward, it would be wise to ask your family if they have any spare cash they could loan or gift you.

Wish you the best of luck.

Keep following us on for the latest information on scholarships.

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