Online School

Best Online Cooking Class in Ghana

Online cooking class in ghana is one topic we have been wanting to write about for a long and the reason is, ghana is a place where you can get all kinds of sweet foods.

When you arrive in ghana, we suggest you first check out their jollof rice which like one of the foods they brag about and even have a big challenge with Nigeria for it.

It sounds awkward to see any Ghanaian saying they can’t make good food because ghana is home to good delicacies and you have to learn.

To avoid this kind of thing, some private individuals have decided to create a cooking school which has been helping so many people get back and learn.

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The issue became that it is not everybody that can travel down to the location of the school and they requested an online school where you can stay in your comfort and still enjoy the class.

For some time, it felt that nobody was listening until the professional chefs in the country started coming up with online classes to accommodate those that can’t be at the physical class.

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In this article, we are going to look at some of the online classes you can register for and become a professional chef or cook.

Best Online Cooking Class in Ghana

Here we are going to give you the list of classes or courses you should buy and become a professional in the industry.

1. Home Cooking Class

This is one of the leading coming classes you will get in ghana because it focused more on teaching people house to make food for their family and friends.

A class that contained about 20 videos which covers 1 topic each day.

For you to get this course, you have to pay the total sum of $89 and instructions on what to do are all embedded in the course.

The unique thing here is, you will learn from novice to becoming a professional

2. Local Ghanaian Cooking Class

If you want to learn how to cook or prepare locally made Ghanaian foods, this is the place you will do the learning.

For some years this course has helped a lot of Ghanaians become professional cooks by just studying and following the guidelines that are in the videos.

You will be sent up to 30 videos which will cover every single thing you’re supposed to learn about ghana food and equally teach you how you can make money cooking and selling it in a faster way.  The price for you to get this cooking course is $45

3. Private Authentic Ghanaian Cooking Class in Accra

This is also another good cooking course we suggest or recommend you get because it will help you become a good and professional chef that people would love to have to make good for their events

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When it comes to preparing food in large quantities and it will still be very sweet, this is the school or class you should attend. You can simply get the course for $72

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I study chef online?

Yes, you can study through an online course and become a professional chef.

Is ghana a cooking place to learn cooking?

It is one of the best places to learn cooking in the whole of west Africa

Which cooking class is the best?

There are a lot of classes you can register for in ghana and we have mentioned some of them here.

Is taking a cooking class worth it?

It is 100% worth your time and money.


Becoming a chef and a professional is the dream of a lot of young people who love to cook. Here we have been able to give you the list id schools you can attend in ghana.

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