Education News

Can I Change Course Going For HND?

Can I Change Course Going For HND? Well, that’s the question we would be looking at today and all students should read this.

When a student called us, we were able to see his degree of dissatisfaction with his ND course. He wanted to continue to HND but wished he could alter his mind throughout the HND application process. He seemed to have additional questions after hearing my response.

We wrote this piece to provide him with a full response. He had read it and enjoyed it. And I believe that making it available to everybody would benefit those who find themselves in the same situation.

Similarly to changing subjects at the 200 level at universities, a few National Diploma holders who wish to consider the Higher National Diploma (HND) instead of the Direct Entry form may desire to alter their studies at this point as well.

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Can I Change My Course While Going For HND

We wish we could answer this question with a simple YES or NO. However, the question is more complicated than it appears.

Changing your OND/ND course while seeking HND admission is practically impossible. A few schools may allow this in extraordinary circumstances.

However, many polytechnics insist that potential HND students enrol for the courses they studied in ND.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I change my course after admission?

Yes, it is possible at the early stages, all you need to do is to apply for an alternative replacement, and then you also do regularisation.

Can I do my HND in another school?

Yes, you can do that

Which degree is equivalent to HND?

Foundation Degree

Can I do masters in HND?

For you to do a Master, you need to get an undergraduate degree first


In reality, what is certain is that if you need to earn the following HND form, you should pursue the same course you followed while in ND. The same course acceptance is more certain whether at your institution or abroad.

Some polytechnics, however, may be secretive regarding their admission rules, including considerations for a change of course at the HND level.

P witnessed an Oke Ogun Polytechnic candidate who studied Transportation Management being offered another programme at the Ogun State Polytechnic (MAPOLY) and the Federal Polytechnic Ede.

If you need to alter your major, you should contact the school’s admissions office to see if you may be admitted to a different program.

If so, which are they? You will be astonished to learn that while some polytechnics may not be open in their HND advertisements, they would nevertheless consider you.

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However, based on your O’level subjects, grades, and OND course, you may be able to pick the best option for you.

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