
How to Get Admitted  at La Masia Football Academy

La Masia Football Academy

Is La Masia your dream school? Are you having a tough time getting how to gain admission into this school? Do you need the right information that will help you in your admission process? Why not keep reading this article?

In this article, we’d be talking about application procedures, costs of study, and duration among others.

La Masia is a football academy that has a reputation for producing the game’s top players. Only a select few players are accepted into La Masia. La Masia is regarded as the most prominent youth academy in Barcelona, among all the other youth academies. La Masia is the most well-known football academy in the world. It was established in 1930.

The majority of the players for the Barcelona Football Club are produced in the small hamlet of Sant Joan Desp. Numerous football players from all around the world attend the numerous football academies of La Masia. The main objective of the academy is to raise the caliber of footballers that the team produces. The club aims to generate the best players in the world by hiring the best coaches and developing young footballers. The team’s renowned youth program has produced some notable athletes since its foundation

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La Masia Football Academy Admission Requirements

To be admitted, you must take into consideration the following requirements:

  • You must pass a public exam known as “la purge” in order to be admitted to La Masia.
  • Choose one of their authorized centers and then make the necessary preparations for the two-day purge.
  • You’ll be evaluated on your dribbling skills, alertness, eyesight, and competitiveness.
  • You must have good academics, be really interested in football, and be able to play.
  • Identify the club in which you are interested and cooperate with it to gain entrance.
  • You must be a resident of Barcelona and only converse with players about football and nothing else.

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Admissions Procedures

To be admitted into La Masia, you must apply to FC Barcelona and be accepted into one of the 7 football academies, before finally getting admitted into La Masia.

La Masia Football Academy Application Form

The application form is divided into three sections.

The first section entails the following:

  • Your name
  • Contact information
  • Student ID
  • Parent’s birthdays
  • Parent’s contact information.

The second section includes a test paper that contains 50 questions and you have one hour to respond to them. If you pass this test with 33 accurate answers, you’ll be admitted into La Masia. If otherwise, you won’t be admitted. The following are three questions you’ll be asked

  1. Which position would you play on your own squad, and why?
  2. Which position would you play in your ideal eleven?
  3. To which of these do you identify yourself with the most?

The Third Section contains an essay.

Required Documents

To confirm your eligibility to get admitted into La Masia, you will require the following documents:

  • A registration form.
  • An international student card
  • A valid identity document
  • A passport (which you should have for at least 10 years before moving there).
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The registration form charge is generally €60, with the exception of the ID document; they are the same for the international student card. Children between the ages of 15 and 17 must pay €15, while those between the ages of 16 and 17 must pay €10. If you are 17 years old or older, the price is €20.

Interviews To The La Masia Football Academy

There are websites that offer both the test and an interview, such as,, or Online testing is available in Spain. All you have to do is visit Additionally, you can use a test center with wifi by going to and taking the exam there.


if you’re a professional football player who aspires to play for your nation on a global level.  La Masis is the best place you need to go.

The application process typically begins in January and lasts until April.

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