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How To Prepare and pass the WAEC Examination

[Get A's in all paper]

In this article I would be revealing helpful tips and explanation on how to prepare and pass the waec examination one’s and get A’s.

The WAEC examination known as the West African Examination council is the body governing the exam while the West Africa Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE) is the exam written by all West Africa Countries and it is compulsory that each student must pass the exam before they can secure an admission into the university, polytechnic, school of nursing or other college.

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Furthermore, the WAEC examination is of two phases: practical and theory but the practical is mostly for science students and the theory is for all departments.

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However most students always get scared whenever they hear of the exam but not to worry, if you are in the category of students that always get scared or want to know how to pass the WAEC exam without cheating and get A’s then this article is for you.

How to Prepare and Pass WAEC Examination Distinctively

Below are tips and explanations on how to prepare for the WAEC Exam without cheating.

  • Set a goal of passing the WAEC examination
  • Know The WAEC Exam Arrangements
  • Familiarize yourself with the WAEC Examination syllabus
  • Start studying your SSCE note some months before the exam
  • Set a Timetable to study with
  • Engage in group reading with your friends
  • Start Reading at Midnight Reading
  • Join online group study for WAEC examination
  • Stay away from negative social media influence
  • Practice WAEC past Questions
  • Attend after school WAEC tutorials
  • Download relevant WAEC practice apps
  • Write the WAEC mock exam
  • Ask other ex- student their experience about the WAEC examination
  • Eat balanced diet and exercise
  • Pray and fast
  • Have full confidence

Set A Goal of Passing The WAEC Examination

How to prepare and pass the WAEC exam- Set a goal

The first thing you need to do as a student preparing to sit for the WAEC examination is to set a goal and have a positive mindset of passing the examination. It is of good benefit if you pen it down on a piece of paper that says “I must pass my WAEC examination” then paste it on the wall in your house.

The ideology of the action is to always remind you that you need to start working and preparing for the exam because the more you see it, the more reminder it gives to you as it helps you on how to prepare and pass the WAEC exam.

Know The WAEC Examination Arrangements

Furthermore on how to prepare and pass the WAEC exam, this aspect is you knowing the core subject and combination of subjects you need that would suit the course you wish to study in the university. You can ask your teacher to guide you. Also know the exact date for the exam.

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Familiarize Yourself With The WAEC Examination Syllabus

Generally for every section WAEC always set a syllabus for the examination and the WAEC syllabus is like a guide students should follow and are areas in which every WAEC candidate need to familiarize themselves with in order to read in accordance to the WAEC examination.

So it is advisable you familiarize yourself with the WAEC syllabus. You may ask how can I get the WAEC syllabus. Well getting the WAEC syllabus is easy, you can simply go to the WAEC website and navigate to their syllabus category or search on google WAEC syllabus where you would see the pdf file to download on other websites.

Start Studying Your SSCE Note Some Months Before The Exam

How to prepare and pass the WAEC exam by Studying
A WAEC candidate reading his ssce note

It is good to start reading your ssce not early before the time of the examination, this helps in refreshing your brain because where most students make mistakes is that they start reading their notes a few weeks before the exam which is very wrong.

So when you start reading your notes early it helps you to know and help you to prepare better for the WAEC examination.

Set A Timetable To Study With

How to prepare and pass the WAEC exam - create a personal time table

It is highly advisable to set a time table for yourself, the essence of setting a timetable is that it helps in creating time to read and what subject to read.

When creating a time table you should endeavor to look at the time you are always free and put the difficult subject there so as to maximize your time of reading that particular subject more by so doing you are preparing to pass the WAEC examination.

Engage In Group Reading With Your Friends

Students reading together

When you engage in group reading with your friends this helps you learn faster and easier because you get to share ideas and knowledge together.

Also it kills boredom because if you tend to read alone there is a probability of getting bored but when you do collective reading with your friends it’s more fun.

Start Reading at Midnight Reading

Another way to prepare and pass the WAEC examination is by engaging in midnight reading helps you understand what you read more because that is the sleeping period for everyone and it is always calm and there is no noise.

So when you read at night it helps you concentrate and focus more because there are less or no distractions.

Join Online Group Study For WAEC Examination

Joining an online group study for the WAEC examination is vital and key because the world is revolving and we are in the era of technology. So there is a high tendency of students even across your particular country to connect online and study.

This way you get to meet different kinds of students and get to share ideas and knowledge together. There are numerous online study platforms such as whatsapp, telegram, facebook, zoom etc. So it is advisable to find the one available for you and join immediately.

Stay Away From Negative Social Media Influence

Now is the time to study and not to chat with friends or waste your time on social media without gaining knowledge.

Ideally while preparing for the WAEC examination it is best you cut off any kind of distraction especially the negative influence of social media or playing games instead of reading. So you should use social media effectively by joining the online WAEC examination group study as listed earlier in this article.

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Practice WAEC Past Questions

WAEC past questions sample

As a candidate preparing for the WAEC examination it is advisable that you get all the past questions pertaining to the subjects you are writing. The essence of getting them is for you to start reading and practicing them constantly because most of the time WAEC repeats questions yearly. However if you wish to get few online past questions you can get the PDF file by searching “WAEC examination PDF file” on google.

So if you have been studying past questions you must have been familiar with most of the questions in it and this helps in preparing better for the WAEC examination.

Attend After School WAEC Tutorials

It is of good benefit if you attend an after school WAEC tutorial because this helps you to prepare better and more efficiently for the WAEC examination.

Also it gives room for you to study and gain knowledge more instead of playing or wasting your free time on things not edifying you academically.

Download Relevant WAEC Practice Apps

Weac past questions apps

When preparing for the WAEC examination it is advisable to download the relevant WAEC app because most of the WAEC examination app comes with more past questions and gives room for you to test yourself because there are numerous quizzes in the app. So you can do so to check apps like Jamb CBT+WAEC past questions.

Write The WAEC Mock Examination

Most time WAEC usually set mock examinations just to test student ability however it is not compulsory but it is advisable you write it because it gives you a hint on how the WAEC examination is and helps you prepare better for the exam.

Ask Other Ex- Student Their Experience About The WAEC Examination

It is good to ask other ex-student about their experience on how to prepare and pass the WAEC exam because it enlightens you more about the exam and the saying says:”experience is a better teacher”.

So the essence of asking other ex-student their experience on the WAEC examination is for you to be a bit aware on how the exam is done and the challenges you might encounter during the exam.

Eat balanced diet and exercise

Eating a balanced diet is another vital act to exhibit because it helps you stay healthy,fit and fresh. Also it helps you not to fall sick.

Also when you eat a balanced diet it gives room for you to study well at night as listed earlier on in this article.

Pray and fast

All preparation without engaging your creator in it is in vain. So it good if you pray and fast either you are a Christian, Muslim or whatever religion you are it is advisable you pray and fast.

Have full confidence

How to get A's in your WAEC

After you must have followed all guidelines on how to prepare and pass the WAEC exam as listed above in this article it is good you have full confidence and believe that you would pass the WAEC examination because what you say toward the examination matters a lot.

So exercise good believe and determination that you would come in flying colors when you sit for the WAEC examination. After passing your exam you can then apply for a scholarship program to study abroad if you wish.


In conclusion it is good and better if you diligently follow all the guides on how to prepare and pass the WAEC exam listed above in this article then expect A’s in your result.

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