
Killam Doctoral Scholarship 2023 – University of British Columbia (UBC)

Applications can now for the Killam Doctoral Scholarships at the University of British Columbia (UBC). This scholarship program is one of the best for graduate students at the University of British Columbia (UBC).

Through her will, Izaak Walton Killam’s wife, Dorothy Johnston Killam, set up the Killam Doctorate Scholarships Program to honor him. The main reason for making this program is to help with research and higher education at about five Canadian universities and the Canada Council for the Arts.

The Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Fund for Advanced Studies gives out awards every year from the Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Fund for Doctoral Scholarships at the University of British Columbia. 

People think that a Killam scholar shouldn’t be a one-dimensional person. Instead, he or she should have a special kind of intelligence and good character.

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The University of British Columbia,  Doctoral Scholarships from Killam

  • Type: Postgraduate
  • The University of British Columbia is the host (UBC)
  • Canada is a country to look at.
  • The University of British Columbia is a place to study.
  • Eligible Course: It’s not clear.
  • Gender: Men and Women
  • The last day to apply is September 13, 2022.
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What You Should Know About the University of British Columbia (UBC)

The University of British Columbia, or UBC, is a well-known and respected school. UBC teaches, and does research on a global scale. The UBC is ranked as one of the top 20 public universities in the world.

UBC began in 1915, and its motto is “Tuum Est,” which means “You Are” (It is Yours). This makes it clear that the university wants to find and help people who want to make the world a better place. So, UBC students, faculty, and staff continue to be open to new ideas and question the status quo. This keeps the school at the forefront of discovery, learning, and engagement.

The Goal of the UBC Killam Doctoral Scholarships and Their Benefits 

The Killam Doctoral Scholarships are worth about $30,000 per year and a $2,000 allowance for travel related to research during the 24 months of the scholarship.

How to Apply for the Killam Doctoral Scholarships 

International students who want to apply for the Killam Doctorate Scholarships must send all of their application materials to the College of Graduate Studies by the above deadline.

To be considered for the UBC Killam Doctoral Scholarships, you must enter the Affiliated Fellowships-Doctoral award competition by clicking the link below:

Make sure that the College of Graduate Studies gets your application materials at before the deadline date.

For more information, go to on the UBC website.

Qualifications for the UBC Killam Doctoral Scholarships

To be able to apply for funding from the University of British Columbia Killam Doctoral Scholarship:

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Before the scholarship starts, all applicants must have finished 24 months of doctoral study.

Criteria for Selection:

  • Research skills and potential of the applicant must be up to 50%
  • Academic training, real-world experience, and traditional teachings are all types of training.
  • Focus on the applicant’s stage of the study, lived experience, and knowledge systems as you look into their experience and accomplishments.
  • How well the contributions are made and how far the contributions have advanced the field of research.
  • The ability to make good decisions and think critically must be shown.
  • Responsible and ethical research behavior, such as honest and thoughtful questioning, thorough analysis, a commitment to safety and the sharing of research results, and following professional standards.
  • Showing interest in research, originality, initiative, independence, community service, and outreach
  • Ability to communicate and write about theoretical, technical, and/or scientific ideas in a clear and logical way

The last day to apply for the UBC Killam Doctorate Scholarship is September 13, 2022.

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