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NECO, NAPTEB, WAEC and GCE Grading system

Let’s talk about NECO, NAPTEB, WAEC and GCE Grading system, here we mean how they score students, this will serve as an eye opener.

You may wish to know how your WAEC, NECO, GCE, or NABTEB exams/papers will be graded before taking them. And what does each mark range provide you after marking? A1, B2, B3, C4, C5, C6, D7, E8, or (my God) F9?

Some applicants will not be concerned about the exam marking scheme/grading until they have completed their papers. Then they want to know what to expect when their results are out, as well as how they will be assessed.

Fortunately, the marking and grading procedure does not differ among the well-known SSCEs, such as WAEC, NECO, GCE, and NABTEB.
In this piece, we would use WAEC as a model to demonstrate the grading system utilized by all O’level test boards.

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NECO, NAPTEB, WAEC and GCE Grading System

The cumulative score in each subject will determine a candidate’s grade, which will range from A1 to F9. Your grades are determined by the range of total marks, as shown below.

  • A1 is from 75-100 points.
  • B2 is from 70-74 points.
  • B3 is from 65-69 points.
  • C4 is from 60-64 points.
  • C5 is from 55-59 points.
  • C6 is from 50-54 points.
  • D7 is from 45-49 points.
  • E8 is from 40-44 points.
  • F9 is from 00 – 39 points.
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Other Grading System

But before then, we have seen cases of people that will check their results and will see things like HELD, ABS, CANCELLED, OUTSTANDING. you will be confused about the meaning of the things that have been mentioned above, so whenever ever you see them, this is what it means;


If your centre has been reported for malpractice or the exam body is seriously looking at your result for possible malpractice, it will come with the tag HELD OR WITHHELD.

This can also be released after they have concluded their investigation.

2. ABS

The word ABS simply means Absent, if you registered for the subject but due to one or two things and you were not able to make it to the exam, your result will be released but it will carry absent.


If after writing the exam and your centre is reported for malpractice and later found guilty, the whole result from the centre will be cancelled and everyone involved will be required to rewrite the exam next year.


This happens when the exam body has not fully released all your result.

For example, if the applicants did not mark THE REGISTER for the paper or did not accurately record their exam number, or if there were other difficulties.

As soon as the test organizations clarify matters, the results are normally provided within a few weeks of the exam being held.


What is the grade for NAPTEB?

Waec and other exams use the same grading system and we have explained them above, you can look at them above.

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Is NAPTEB harder than Waec?

NABTEB is a very easy exam to write, so it is not harder.

Does JAMB accept NABTEB A’level?

No, Jamb does not accept NAPTEB results for admission

Finally, you must know how they mark the examinations as it will help you know what you’re going into.

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