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5 Cheapest Online MBA Programs in Indiana | 2022 Ranking

Online MBA Programs – Ever thought of a very good location to start your MBA program, well Indiana might be the ideal place you’re looking for.

The city is hosting over 86 functional universities that are continuously competing for who is the best in the state.

When it comes to online programs, a lot of them which are also very functional.

Well in this article, we are going to explore some online MBA programs in Indiana that are not just good but also affordable for anybody interested.

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Having a good knowledge of business management will help you achieve a lot of things especially if your going into business or have a company you developing.

MBA is very wide as it did not only talk about business but cuts across management, public and private sector and other fields.

Without waste of time let’s go straight to the main topic for the day.

5 Cheapest Online MBA Programs in Indiana

Here we would be giving you some of the best and cheapest online universities for your MBA.

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1. Huntington University

Ever since the creation of this university in 1879, it has produced thousands of students who are constantly making things work in the business industry.

This university offers over 70 programs of which the online business administration program is included.

This university prepares students and graduates to meet the world itself and know how to make the business work in the real world.

They make this possible by engaging them in different skills that are applicable and also a practical experience of how things are done.

The program is 36 credits including a study tour in England which will be part of your tuition fees.

They accept students that have up to 3.0 GP if you’re transferring from another school.

2. Goshen College

This one does not only give you special skills in the business administration area but also teaches you leadership skills which you would need for your business.

Every company leader needs the skills to be able to understand and make good decisions concerning her business.

Having good and qualified tutors, they are equally very cheap and affordable for those who are interested.

3. University of Saint Francis

It is nice to tell you that anybody around the world can study at the university of saint Francis.

This is one of the best online schools in the world and is still very affordable for people.

Their master’s program in business administration provides graduates with

4. Trine University

When you talk about MBA programs and you are looking for some of the cheap schools, then this is one of them.

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With well-qualified tutors, the goal is to keep educating and helping education get to those who can’t afford the expensive schools.

Getting your MBA certification from Trine University is the same as getting it from any other university.

5. Oakland City University

This university is one of the oldest Universities you can find in Indiana, it was founded in 1888  and since then has remained relevant to date.


Where is the best online MBA in the world?

If you are looking for the country with the best MBA program in the world, we would take note of countries like Canada, the UK, the US etc.

Is MBA higher than a master’s?

Master’s and MBA are the same, MBA simply means Masters of Business Administration.

Can I do an MBA free of Cost?

Yes, you can do your MBA program free at some universities.

What Can Replace MBA?

You can use other degrees like MF and so on.


Finally, Online, MBA programs are nice, especially for those that can’t handle physical school.

Well, we have given you the best options that will be affordable to you.

To get more information about us here at DailyGamedu or to have a question, kindly comment below.

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