Past Questions & Answers

How To Pass BUK Post UTME

If you have ever wondered how to pass BUK Post UTME then you are on the right platform because in this article you would discover 8 helpful tips to pass BUK Post UTME.

Bayero University Kano is one of the best Universities in Nigeria and aims in helping students identify their dream and help them achieve it through the sound education they give them.

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However, Bayero University Kano boasts of having over 25,000+ students and was established in 1975

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Also, BUK is a competitive University because they accept students based on how they perform in the Post UTME, and BUK aspirants must reach the required cut-off before applying for BUK Post UTME.

So this tells you that writing the BUK Post UTME exam is the most paramount exam that determines a candidate’s entry into Bayero University Kano (BUK).

However, Bayero University Kano (BUK) was formerly known as Ahmadu Bello College before changing to Abdullahi Bayero College and later became a University then changed its name to the recent name which is Bayero University Kano (BUK).

So if you are in the category of BUK aspirants who want to know how to pass BUK Post UTME and score above the departmental aggregate score then continue reading this article because you would learn a lot.

How To Pass BUK Post UTME

In this section, we would be revealing 8 hidden secrets to pass BUK Post UTME and smash the aggregate score of your department. So endeavor to read each sentence meticulously.

8 hidden secrets to pass the BUK Post UTME exam:

  1. Study BUK Post UTME past questions and answers
  2. Study Voraciously for BUK Post UTME
  3. Be Time Conscious
  4. Know your Exam Venue Beforehand
  5. Confirm the  Date and Time of your Exam
  6. Set a Study Timetable/Study map for Yourself
  7. Engage in Midnight Reading
  8.  Believe in Yourself


1.Study BUK Post UTME past questions and answers

The fact about studying any exam past questions never changes, especially studying BUK Post UTME past questions.

This helps you to be familiar with relevant questions and help you easily detect repeated questions.

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So you can get the BUK Post UTME past questions and answers from any bookstore or you can purchase the PDF file format for it online.

So whichever one you want you can get it but note that both methods of getting the BUK Post UTME past questions and answers cost a fee of just 2000 Naira only.


2. Study Voraciously for BUK Post UTME

Studying Voraciously helps you to pass the BUK Post UTME because you get to memorize enough formulas and helps practice enough topics which would benefit you.

Also studying voraciously is more than just reading the normal way, studying voraciously means when you earnestly study for the exam and yearn to pass then that way you are studying voraciously.

3. Be Time Conscious

Time management is important because the BUK Post UTME is a CBT timed-based exam so you need to be conscious of the time you spend on a particular question.

So this means you would be given a limited time to answer all questions in BUK Post UTME. So to attempt all questions you need not be conscious of your time.

However, you can simply use  40- 60 seconds to answer each question. This way you get to be more conscious that time waits for man and you should be fast while answering BUK Post UTME questions.

4. Know your Exam Venue Beforehand

If you want to pass the BUK Post UTME exam then it is important to know your exam venue Beforehand to be more familiar with the exam venue location and its environment.  

So knowing your exam venue beforehand is important because it helps you arrive early on the day of the BUK Post UTME since you already know the location of the exam venue.

5. Confirm the Date and Time of your Exam

Many BUK aspirants have missed their Post UTME exam due to them not knowing the exact date and time of their exam.

So make sure you check your registration slip to know the date and time for the BUK Post UTME exam or you do the reprint to confirm your date and time.

6. Set a Study Timetable/Study Map for Yourself

The best way to optimize your reading time and read for a longer period is by setting a personal timetable to study with.

This is because when you set a timetable for yourself it makes you study more efficiently. After all, you don’t need to start contemplating which subject to read.

So when setting your timetable do well to add the subject you find difficult in your leisure time to study that particular subject for a longer time.

And also set a Study map for yourself because it would help you. So setting a study map is simply listing out topics from each subject you find difficult.

So after listing them out try to emphasize more on those topics to know them more and also revise the less difficult ones.

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7. Engage in Midnight Reading

Another tip on how to pass the BUK Post UTME exam is by reading during midnight.

This is because when you read at night there is a high level of you concentrating than when you read at noon. 

The reason is that during midnight fewer or no distractions would disturb your reading so you end up concentrating more at night when reading.

8. Believe in Yourself

Believing in yourself is a key to success because it helps you gather more courage and confidence in yourself.

So believe in yourself that you would pass BUK Post UTME and also be focused and determined.

So after believing in yourself also avoid any form of distraction and do the needful which is reading your books.

Also do not only believe in yourself alone but also believe in your creator and pray that your creator helps you pass the Bayero University Kano (BUK) Post UTME exam and pass the aggregate score of your department.

Frequently Asked Questions About BUK Post UTME

 Is BUK post UTME computer based?

Yes, the Bayero University Kano (BUK) Is a computer-based test (CBT). So bear in mind that you would be using the computer to answer all questions.

And not the normal pen and paper exam you know. So familiarize yourself with the computer if you are computer illiterate.

What is the cutoff mark for BUK?

Bayero University Kano (BUK) cut-off mark is 180 as was announced by the management of Bayero University Kano (BUK).

So only candidates who score 180 and above can sit for the BUK Post UTME exam.

Does BUK accept second choice?

No BUK don’t accept candidates who choose them as second choice.

This also implies to most Nigerian universities because they no longer accept second-choice candidates.

Is BUK a competitive University?

Yes, Bayero University Kano (BUK) is a competitive University because BUK is the first university that was established in the north axis.

So try to prepare well to beat the odds of other candidates and secure a spot at BUK University. 


In conclusion, Bayero University Kano (BUK) Post UTME is not difficult only if you do the needful by following the tips to pass BUK Post UTME as it was fully explained in this article.

 Also, share this article with others so it can benefit them, and don’t forget to drop your questions in the comment section below.

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