Past Questions & Answers

How To Pass DELSU Post Utme

Do you want to know How to Pass DELSU Post UTME?, Or you want to know the cut-off mark for Delta State University and other frequently asked questions concerning DELSU then this article is for you.

Delta State University (DELSU) located at Abraka is one of the best universities in Nigeria generating thousands of scholars yearly.

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However most students are willing to get admission into the prestigious University DELSU because of its records it holds in giving sound and good education to its students.

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Furthermore, after hearing all the good tidings about DELSU you need to partake in the Post UTME and pass before you can secure a spot in the University of Delta.

This is where the problem comes in because most students are scared when they hear of exams or tests, particularly DELSU Post UTME.

Most often, students believe this is the end of their journey of getting admission to their dream school.

However you don’t need to be afraid anymore because dailygam got you covered.

In this article you would be getting a tested and working guide on how to pass DELSU post UTME.

So if you want to know how to pass DELSU post UTME then I advise you to continue reading because you would be amazed after reading this article.

How To Pass DELSU Post UTME

Now is that time because you are about to get mind blowing ideas on how to pass DELSU post utme so get a pen and book to jot things down.

Below are success tips on how to pass DELSU post UTME:

  1. Purchase DELSU Post UTME Past Questions and Study them
  2. Understand DELSU Post UTME Question Format
  3. Time Management (be swift)
  4. Download DELSU Post UTME app
  5. Study Earnestly
  6. Take a Tour To Your Exam Venue
  7. Be Punctual on the day of the Exam
  8. Join delsu Post Utme online groups
  9. Avoid distraction
  10. Target a high score
  11. Commit the Exam into God hands

1.Purchase DELSU Post UTME Past Questions and Study them

Studying past questions has been the stepping stone on how to pass DELSU post UTME since the exam started

The reason is because most of the time questions are being repeated which makes it easier for candidates to answer the question.

So if you haven’t gotten DELSU post UTME past question then walk up to a bookshop near you to purchase it and start practicing them immediately.

2.Understand DELSU Post UTME Question Format

The second tip you need to know on how to pass DELSU post UTME exam is understand DELSU post UTME question format.

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Many candidates preparing for DELSU post UTME don’t even know the question format which is wrong.

Every year there are cases of candidates coming to write DELSU post UTME and expecting questions from chemistry, biology, physics , accounting, literature or even government but at the later end no question comes out from these subjects.

This is because Delta State University (DELSU) post UTME question format is an aptitude test with hundred (100) questions to be answered and the subject consists of logical reasoning, English language, Mathematics and aptitude.

So prepare your mind to expect questions from those subjects because that is the question format  for candidates writing DELSU post utme.

3.Time Management (be swift)

Time management is key in passing DELSU post-utme because you have 100 questions to answer and also you have a limited time to attempt all questions.

The time will be clearly shown at the top of the computer screen so you can see it.

So this implies that you need to be quick while answering questions so as to attempt all questions.

4.Download DELSU Post UTME App

How to pass DELSU post utme- download DELSU post utme app
DELSU Post Utme App

Downloading DELSU post UTME app is another tip on how to pass DELSU post UTME because the app contains a lot of questions pertaining to DELSU post UTME.

Also the interesting part about the app is that there is a real life section where you can test your ability on how prepared you are for the exam.

So the app allows you to take a test as if you are taking the main DELSU post UTME.

You can download the DELSU post utme-past questions and answers app and practice with the app.

5.Study Earnestly

If you want to pass DELSU post UTME then you need to study earnestly, study as if your life depends on the exam.

Studying earnestly simply means studying non-stop even when you don’t feel like studying.

When you study earnestly it equips you the most and helps you to pass DELSU post UTME.

6.Take a Tour To Your Exam Venue

It is a wise thing to do if you locate your exam venue on time because it helps you to be familiar with the exam venue.

Also it is good to take a tour to your exam venue so as to avoid searching for the location on the exam day which may eventually make you get to the venue late.

So find time to visit your exam venue a few days before the exam.

7.Be Punctual on the day of the Exam

“Punctuality is the sole to all business” and your business is your academic so you should take it seriously.

Try to get to your exam venue early so as to settle down and relax a bit.

Also it shows a sign of seriousness and readiness to pass the DELSU post UTME.

8.Join DELSU Post Utme online groups

Another success tip on how to pass DELSU post UTME is by joining DELSU post UTME online groups on any social media platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram or Twitter.

This greatly helps in passing DELSU post UTME because you get to learn from each other and also you get to know vital information regarding the DELSU post UTME exam which would benefit you.

9.Avoid distraction

This is the time to be serious and not the time to play or joke around so you need to cut off anything that distracts you from preparing for the DELSU post UTME.

This is a good tip on how to pass DELSU post UTME because you get to be more focused and determined about the exam.

So try as much as possible to avoid any distraction and focus more on your strength.

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10.Target a high score

It is good to dream big because when you dream big you get a huge return. So in order to pass DELSU post UTME set a high target score and work towards achieving it.

What you mind conceive is the reward you get. So never think low of yourself instead think high and target a high score but remember don’t expect a miracle if you don’t read so read your books.

11.Commit the Exam into God hands

The work isn’t complete if you don’t add God in your preparation to pass DELSU post UTME.

So pray to God to help you pass DELSU post utme because this is the ultimate tip on how to pass DELSU post UTME.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does DELSU Calculate their Post UTME score?

Delta State University (DELSU) has its own way of calculating their post utme score just like how order Universities have their own method.

However to get the aggregate score of DELSU post UTME you need to apply a simple mathematics which is dividing your Jamb score by 8 and also divide your post Utme score by 2.

Afterwards add both results together then that’s your aggregate score.

So let’s take for instance 260 to be your jamb score and 50 your post utme score.

So 260/8 =32.5

50/2 = 25

32.5+25= 57.5

So 57.5 would be your post UTME aggregate score.

What is the cut off mark for Delta State University Abraka 2022/ 2023?

Delta State University (DELSU) post utme cut-off mark 150. This was announced by the management of Delta State University (DELSU) after the meeting held by the board.

So the latest cut-off mark for DELSU 2022/2023 year is 150 above. Also note that this applies to all faculties and departments in DELSU.

Does Abraka Accept Second Choice?

The answer to this question is NO, abraka known as Delta State University (DELSU) does not accept second choice.

So if you want to get admission into Delta State University (DELSU) then you need to make them your first choice.

How Long is DELSU Medicine?

Do you want to know how long it takes to study medicine? well it comes in two ways.

For candidates who gained admission through Direct Entry (DE) you will study Medicine in DELSU for the duration of five (5) years.

For candidates who gained admission through Jamb you will study Medicine in DELSU for the duration of Six (6) years.

What are the subjects written in post UTME in DELSU?

The main four (4) four subject for DELSU post utme include

  • logical reasoning
  •  English language
  • Mathematics 
  • aptitude

So note that the above subject is what all departments would see in the DELSU post utme. 

However it is advisable to read other subjects just in case there is a change in the subject combination.


This article talked about how to pass DELSU post UTME and other frequently asked questions pertaining to DELSU. So endeavor to follow tips in this article and expect success.

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