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How to Pass EKSUTH School of Nursing Entrance Exam

Do you want to know how to pass the EKSUTH School of Nursing entrance exam? if yes then you are on the right platform so continue reading.

The EKSUTH School of Nursing entrance exam is a compulsory exam every candidate must write before gaining entry into EKSUTH school of nursing and midwifery.

Also read: How To Pass UCH Ibadan School of Nursing entrance exam

However you need to understand that the EKSUTH school of nursing entrance exam is a very competitive exam and need to score very high in order to gain admission into EKSUTH.

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The Ekiti State University Teaching Hospital, School of Nursing also known as EKSUTH School of Nursing is one of the best Nursing school In Nigeria located at State Hospital Road, Ado Ekiti.

So in this article we would be revealing 9 powerful tips to pass EKSUTH School of Nursing entrance exam and smash the aggregate score.

How to Pass EKSUTH School of Nursing Entrance Exam

This section contains 9 powerful tips to pass the EKSUTH School of Nursing entrance exam. So endeavor to read carefully.

Below are tips to pass EKSUTH School of Nursing entrance exam:

  1. Apply for the Exam Early
  2. Enroll for a CBT Tutorial
  3. Study Frequently
  4. Follow EKSUTH School of Nursing Update
  5. Go to the Exam Venue with The Required Documents
  6. Join an online base platform
  7. Follow Instruction
  8. Be Hungry for Success
  9. Pray To Your Creator

1.Apply for the Exam Early

The first step to make in order to pass EKSUTH School of Nursing entrance exam is to apply for the exam early.

This is because the EKSUTH form would only be available for limited candidates and only candidates who apply early would get to sit for the exam.

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2.Enroll for a CBT Tutorial

The main reason you should enroll for a CBT tutorial is because the EKSUTH School of Nursing entrance exam is a computer based exam. 

Which means you would be using the computer to answer all questions and not the normal pen and paper method.

So in order to be familiar with the  CBT ecam it is advisable you enroll for a CBT tutorial to enable you to be fully prepared.

3.Study Frequently

How to pass EKSUTH School of Nursing entrance exam- read Consistently
Student studying

The best way to answer any question in the EKSUTH School of Nursing entrance exam is by studying frequently.

When you study frequently it helps you brain stay fresh and active so endeavor to always read your books daily.


Also when reading try to read smart because reading smart helps you prepare better for the EKSUTH School of Nursing entrance exam.

4.Follow EKSUTH School of Nursing Update

Following EKSUTH School of Nursing update is important because it helps you to be more informed about the exam.

However the only place you can get reliable updates about EKSUTH School of Nursing entrance exam is by visiting thier official website

So always check the website frequently to know if there are any lastest update you should know about.

5.Go to the Exam Venue with The Required Documents

Very important, you need to go to the exam venue with tht required documents in order to confirm your payment and identify that you are not an impostor.

Failure to show the EKSUTH School of Nursing official the required documents you must bring may lead to you not writing the exam.

However the required documents you must go to the exam venue with are as follows:
  • A print out copy of your payment slip
  • A print out copy of your registration slip
  • A passport photograph
  • A print out copy of your generated username and password

6.Join an online base platform

Joining an online base platform is very important because it helps you get more updates about EKSUTH School of Nursing entrance exam.

Also you get to interact with other EKSUTH School of Nursing aspirants and share ideas together.

7.Follow Instruction

Following instruction is key because it guides you on what to do on the exam day.

In addition to this, instructions would be passed across to all EKSUTH School of Nursing candidates and endeavor to pay attention and follow the instructions.

8.Be Hungry for Success

The best way to show you want to pass the EKSUTH School of Nursing entrance exam is when you are hungry for success.

Because when you are hungry for success you would have a kind of drive that helps you focus more towards preparing for the EKSUTH School of Nursing entrance exam.

9.Pray To Your Creator

Lastly after you must have prepared for the EKSUTH School of Nursing entrance exam endeavor to commit your exam into the hands of your Creator.

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So pray to God that you would pass the EKSUTH School of Nursing entrance exam and smash the aggregate score.

Frequently Asked Questions About EKSUTH School of Nursing Entrance Exam

How many questions are in the EKSUTH nursing entrance exam?

The total number of questions in the EKSUTH School of Nursing entrance exam is 100

Meaning EKSUTH adopts a 25:20:15:15:15:10 way of setting questions in their entrance exam.

So you would answer questions in the following format listed below:

  •  25 questions in the English language
  •  20 questions in Mathematics
  •  15 questions in Chemistry 
  •  15 questions in Physics
  •  15 questions in Biology
  •  10 questions in current affairs

Does Ekiti School of Nursing require jamb?

No, the EKSUTH School of Nursing does not require JAMB.

All you need to do is visit the EKSUTH School of Nursing official portal and register then proceed by purchasing the school of nursing form.

How do I check my Ekiti State School of Nursing results?

If you want to check the Ekiti State School of Nursing results simply log on to their official website

  • Enter Application Number
  • Enter Password
  • Afterward, click “LOGIN” to display your score

However, you can save it as a PDF file or you print the result directly to have a soft copy.

What is Ekiti State School of Nursing’s cut-off mark?

Ekiti State School of Nursing’s cutoff mark is determined by the performance of students after the exam.

So that’s why you must strive to score above 70% to be on the safer side.


In conclusion, the EKSUTH School of Nursing entrance exam is a very competitive exam. So you need to score very high to beat the odds of other candidates.

So endeavor to follow the tips on how to pass the EKSUTH School of Nursing entrance exam as it was listed in this article and expect success.

Also share this article if you found it helpful to others and don’t forget to drop your questions in the comment section below.

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