Past Questions & Answers

How To Pass ESUT Post UTME

If you have ever wondered how to pass ESUT Post UTME then you are on the right platform because in this article we would be revealing 8 hidden secrets to pass ESUT Post UTME.

The Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) is one of the best Universities in Nigeria and aims to give students the best technological education.

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However, The Enugu State University of Science and Technology boasts of having over 50,000 students and was established in 1979.

How to pass ESUT Post UTME- ESUT main gate

Also, ESUT is not a competitive University but they accept students based on their performance in the Post UTME and candidates must reach the required cut-off before applying for ESUT Post UTME.

So this tells you that writing the ESUT Post UTME exam is the most paramount thing that can determine your entry into Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT).

So if you are in the category of ESUT aspirants who want to know how to pass ESUT Post UTME and smash the aggregate score then continue reading this article.

How To Pass ESUT Post UTME

In this section, you would discover 8 hidden secrets to pass ESUT Post UTME and smash the aggregate score. So endeavor to read each paragraph meticulously.

8 hidden secrets to pass ESUT Post UTME exam:

  1. Study ESUT Post UTME past questions and answers
  2. Study Voraciously
  3. Be Time Conscious
  4. Know your Exam Venue Beforehand
  5. Confirm the  Date and Time of your Exam
  6. Set a Study Timetable for Yourself
  7. Engage in Midnight Reading
  8. Be Determined, Focused, and Believe you Would Pass ESUT Post UTME

1. Study ESUT Post UTME past questions and answers

The first thing you need to do to pass the ESUT Post UTME exam is to purchase the ESUT Post UTME past questions and answers and start studying it consistently.

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So you can get the ESUT Post UTME past questions and answers from any nearby bookshop or you can download the PDF file format for it.

Note that both methods of getting the ESUT Post UTME past questions and answers cost just 2000 Naira only.

2. Study Voraciously

Studying Voraciously helps you to pass the ESUT Post UTME because you get to master enough topics and formulas which would benefit you.

Also studying voraciously is more than just reading, studying voraciously for that ESUT Post UTME exam is when you earnestly study for the exam and yearn to pass.

3. Be Time Conscious

You need to be time conscious because you would be given a short time to attempt all questions in ESUT Post UTME.

So to finish answering all the questions you need not be able to manage your time.

So you can simply answer each question in under 40- 60 seconds. This way you get more conscious that time waits for man.

4. Know your Exam Venue Beforehand

Take a tour of your exam venue to be more familiar with the exam location and environment.   

This is because it helps you arrive early on the day of the ESUT Post UTME since you already know the direction of the location.

5. Confirm the Date and Time of your Exam

Many ESUT aspirants have missed their Post UTME exam due to them forgetting the actual date and time of their exam.

So ensure you check your registration slip to confirm the date and time for your exam.

6. Set a Study Timetable for Yourself

The best way to read for a long period is by setting a personal timetable to study with.

No doubt when you set a timetable for yourself it makes reading fun and more efficient because you don’t need to start contemplating which subject to read.

However, note that when setting your timetable ensure to add the difficult subjects in your free period to study that particular subject for a longer time.

7. Engage in Midnight Reading

Another tip on how to pass the ESUT Post UTME exam is by engaging in midnight reading.

 When you read at night there is a high tendency that you end up concentrating more than when you read during the daytime.

This is because during midnight no distractions or noise would disturb your reading so you get to concentrate more at night.

8. Be Determined, Focused, and Believe you Would Pass ESUT Post UTME

This is the 3-in-1 tip to pass the ESUT Post UTME because all of them work like poles.

So when you are determined, and focused and you believe in yourself then definitely you would pass the ESUT Post UTME because you have already built that confidence in you that you would pass the ESUT Post UTME exam.

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Also don’t only believe in yourself but also in your creator and pray that your creator should help you pass the ESUT Post UTME exam and pass the departmental aggregate cutoff mark.

Frequently Asked Questions About ESUT Post UTME

What is the ESUT cut-off mark?

The ESUT cutoff mark is 150 as was announced by the management of Enugu State University Of Science And Technology (ESUT).

However, the cut-off does not apply to competitive courses like Medicine, Medical Laboratory Science, Law, Nursing, and accounting.

So to study the above competitive course in ESUT you need to score 200 and above because 200 is the cutoff mark for ESUT competitive course.

Does ESUT accept second choice?

Enugu State University of Science and Technology (EKUT) would not accept second-choice candidates for possible admission.

So if you want to school at ESUT, then you need to make Enugu State University of Science and Technology (EKUT) your first choice of institution.

Does ESUT offer nursing?

The answer is no, Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) does not offer nursing courses.

This is because ESUT focuses more on technological education which means they focus more on technological courses.

So if you want to study Nursing to can try the UCH Ibadan School of Nursing because its one of the best schools that offer nursing

How can I prepare for ESUT Post UTME?

You can prepare for ESUT Post UTME by reading constantly and practicing ESUT Post UTME past questions and answers.

Also, you can prepare adequately for the Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) Post UTME by following the tips to pass ESUT Post UTME as it was listed in this article.


In conclusion, there is a probability that ESUT might not write Post UTME this 2022/2023 session. However, still study the above tips to pass ESUT Post UTME so you can apply them for other sessions.

If this article was helpful, you can also share it with others so it can benefit them, and drop your questions in the comment section below if you have any.

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