Past Questions & Answers

How To Prepare and Pass GCE Examination

Do you want to know how to prepare and pass GCE Examination? or you want to know other frequently asked questions concerning GCE.

Then you are on the right platform because this article contains tips on how to prepare and pass GCE Examination.

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The General Certificate Education Examination (GCE) Examination is written by students who couldn’t pass their Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE).

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Knowing that GCE exam is governed by the same examination body which is the West Africa Examination Council (WAEC).

Furthermore, the General Certificate Education (GCE) examination is usually conducted around October/November.

However Mathematics and English language are two compulsory subjects candidates must include while choosing their subject to write.

Now the question most GCE candidates ask is “How To Prepare and Pass GCE Examination”?.

So if you are among GCE candidates who feel that GCE is difficult to pass then you better change your mindset.

because you are about to read mind blowing tips on how to prepare and pass GCE examination.

So I urge you to meticulously read through this article and jot something down.

How To Prepare and Pass GCE Examination

Below are tips on how to prepare and pass GCE examination:

  1. Read Effectively For GCE Examination
  2. Test Yourself Once in a While
  3. Increase Your Reading Time
  4. Never Intend to cheat
  5. Study GCE Past Questions
  6. Tackle Subjects and Topic You Don’t Know
  7. Find a Serious Study Partner
  8. Attend GCE Tutorial
  9. Be Eager To Pass GCE Examination
  10. Know the GCE Examination TimeTable
  11. Pray to God

1.Read Effectively For GCE Examination

Knowing fully well that the GCE examination is not an exam you should joke with because there would be no teacher to at least monitor you, this means you are fully on your own.

So if you don’t read effectively for the GCE Examination then you shouldn’t expect any miracle to happen on the day of the exam.

So try as much as possible to read for the GCE examination effectively because this is a stepping stone on how to prepare and pass GCE examination.

2.Test Yourself Once in a While

Basically the essence of testing yourself once in a while is just to know how prepared you are for the GCE examination.

So if you notice you don’t perform well while testing yourself that means you are not really prepared for the GCE examination.

But when you perform well while testing yourself then you should know you are prepared for the GCE examination but you still need to continue with the preparation because it doesn’t end there.

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3.Increase Your Reading Time

 If you want to know how to prepare and pass GCE examination then you should be ready to increase your reading time.

Let’s say you read for 1 hour daily, this time when you are preparing to pass the GCE examination try to read for 3 hours above daily.

This way you are already setting a high target of passing the GCE examination excellently and while reading it is advisable you read smart not hard.

4.Never Intend to cheat

How to prepare and pass GCE examination- Do not involve in exam malpractice
Student cheating

Indulging in examination malpractice should be the last thing you should think of because it won’t take you anywhere, instead you would suffer the repercussions of cheating.

So don’t cheat in the examination hall because if you are caught you would be forced to forfeit the GCE examination.

And when you forfeit the one subject that is automatically failure and for some cases you can be barn from writing the GCE examination forever.

5.Study GCE Past Questions

This is not a new thing that when preparing for any exam including the GCE examination you should make use of the exam past question.

So this implies for GCE examination too, visit any nearest bookshop and purchase the GCE examination past questions and answers and practice it fervently.

In addition, the GCE Past questions and answers has been the saving grace of most GCE candidates because you get to see repeated questions.

This then makes it easy for students to answer questions only if you have been practicing the GCE Past questions.

6.Tackle Subjects and Topic You Don’t Know

Another tip on how to prepare and pass GCE examination is by tackling subjects and topics you don’t know.

When Preparing for the GCE examination it’s best you tackle subject and topic you don’t know.

The reason is because GCE won’t entertain any excuse of being not good in mathematics or a particular subject Or I don’t know the topic they set.

So learn the subject and topics you don’t know so as to be fully prepared for the GCE examination.

7.Find a Serious Study Partner

A perfect tip on how to prepare and pass GCE examination is by finding a serious study partner.

Basically the essence of having a study mate is just to be able to learn faster and this helps you remember what you read together.

Some students find it difficult to study if they don’t read with someone so if you are in that category of student then get a serious study partner.

8.Attend GCE Tutorial

This is not a new thing, attending a tutorial for any exam is important so this implies for the GCE examination too.

find a good GCE tutorial center and start attending as this would also help you prepare for the GCE examination.

When you attend GCE tutorial it enables you to learn from new teachers and new students.

So attending a GCE tutorial is another good success tip on how to prepare and pass GCE examination.

9.Be Eager To Pass GCE Examination

Nobody wants to write the GCE examination and fail, rather everyone wants to write the GCE examination and pass.

So in order to get a positive result you need to crave to pass the GCE examination, you need to be eager to be eager to pass the GCE examination.

10.Know the GCE examination TimeTable

When Preparing for GCE examination it is advisable you know the GCE examination Timetable.

This helps you know the subject you are to write each day.

So it is compulsory to get the GCE Timetable either from the WAEC website, your center supervisors or you can search on google “GCE Timetable” for your GCE Exam year.

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11.Pray To God

Prayer is the master key, so in anything you do you should seek your creator either you are a Christian, Muslim, or any religion.

So pray to God to help you pass the GCE examination as this is the ultimate part on how to prepare and pass GCE examination.

You can as well fast for the GCE examination so as to quicken your prayers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is GCE Examination Hard?

The GCE examination is not hard if you study very well but if you don’t study then expect the GCE examination to be a bit difficult.

However the main thing you should know is that during your GCE examination there would be no teacher to monitor what you do just like your SSCE.

During your GCE examination you are fully on your own and it’s advisable you prepare very well because the GCE examination is not hard.

How can I Study for GCE?

You can study for GCE by practicing GCE past questions and answers, by reading recommended GCE textbooks.

However you can study for GCE examination by following the tips on how to prepare and pass GCE examination listed in this article.

Also another way to study for GCE is by engaging in midnight reading. Basically when you study at night it gives you room for total concentration and you get to understand better.

Because there would be no noise or anything that can distract you, the best way to study for GCE is by engaging in midnight reading.

Can I use GCE to Enter University?

Yes you can use the General Certificate Education (GCE) Certificate to enter any university in Nigeria because it is an accredited examination body.

However the GCE examination is recognized around the world which means you can use GCE to gain admission abroad.

How many subjects are there in GCE?

The numbers of subject in GCE examination is nothing less than 7 to 9 subjects including Mathematics and English language

But the normal recommended subjects that are in GCE are nine (9) subjects.

Can I write GCE in SS2?

Yes you can write GCE in ss2 all you have to do is purchase the GCE form and sit for the exam.

Also writing GCE in ss2 and if you successfully pass the exam then this gives you quick access to sit for Jamb and gain admission.

So writing GCE in ss2 is of great advantage bBecause if you eventually pass the GCE and Jamb in ss2.

Then it even more better because you get to finish the University on time and continue with your life.


Now you know the tips on how to prepare and pass GCE examination and other frequently asked questions. So endeavor to follow all tips.

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