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How To Pass IJMB Examination

In this article you would be learning powerful tips on how to pass IJMB examination excellently and other frequently asked questions about the IJMB examination.

So the Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB) Examination is an A Level program that runs for a duration of nine (9) months and is divided into two (2) semesters.

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Furthermore, there are numerous centers in which you can apply for the Interim Joint Matriculation Board( IJMB) and it depends on which the candidates choose during the online registration.

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However, the IJMB is a certified examination into any Nigerian and Foreign Universities because the IJMB examination is accrued in line with international educational standard.

As well as it shares similarities with international syllabus in which it meets the university admission requirements both in Nigerian and abroad.

After hearing all this you would then wonder how to pass IJMB examination with good grades without indulging in examination malpractice.

Well in this article you would get to know amazing tips on how to pass IJMB examination so endeavor to read this article meticulously.

How To Pass IJMB Examination

This section contains eye opening success tips on how to pass the Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB)  exam so endeavor to read carefully.

Below are tips on how to pass IJMB examination

  • Attend class daily
  • Organize study groups with IJMB candidates
  • Read your class note on a daily basis
  • Set questions for yourself or ask intelligent friends to
  • Always do your assignment
  • Review previous class test
  • Ask questions relating to IJMB
  • Study IJMB past questions
  • Be determined to pass IJMB exam 
  • Create a study map for yourself
  • Create a Timetable
  • Relax well and stay healthy
  • Pray to God 

Attend class daily

The first and most important tip on how to pass IJMB examination is to attend class daily. This is because lectures are taught by teachers on a daily basis.

And no teacher would like to repeat the topic being taught.

So when you don’t attend class daily you keep missing lectures and won’t understand that particular topic the teacher taught.

This implies that a class missed is like a treasure thrown into the sea.

So endeavor to attend class daily and concentrate in class when a teacher is teaching any topic.

Organize study groups with IJMB candidates

How To Pass IJMB examination- create study group
Students studying together

Furthermore, another way you can prepare and pass IJMB examination is by organizing a study group with fellow IJMB candidates.

This is because when you do collective reading with fellow IJMB candidates it enables you to remember what you read on time and you get to share ideas.

Also when you engage in group reading it makes reading fun and not boring so this enables you to even read for a longer period.

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Read Your class note on a daily basis

How to Pass IJMB examination-read consistently
Student studying

Reading your class notes equips you for the IJMB examination because you get to be a master in every topic being taught daily.

So Ideally it is very important to read your class notes daily so as to understand what the teacher has taught.

Set questions for yourself or ask intelligent friends to

When you set questions for yourself or ask your intelligent friends to set questions for you it helps test your IQ and how prepared you are for the IJMB examination.

So setting questions for yourself or asking your friends to set questions for you is a vital tip on how to pass IJMB examination.

Always do your assignment

Doing your assignment is another success tip on how to pass IJMB examination because when you do your assignment it enables you to be familiar with possible questions to come out in the IJMB examination.

Also when you do your assignment it shows you are serious, focused and determined to pass the IJMB examination.

Review previous class test

Reviewing the previous class test is an ultimatum tip on how to pass IJMB examination because it shows how serious you are.

So never ignore your previous class test or trash them instead constantly go through them over again as this helps you to pass the IJMB examination.

Also it’s advisable you read well and pass the class test because at the end of the IJMB program your test score and exam score would be combined together.

So if you perform well in your IJMB class test and your IJMB examination then you would come out with an excellent grade point.

Ask questions relating to IJMB

While preparing for the IJMB examination it is advisable you ask questions relating to IJMB from ex IJMB candidates or your teachers.

This is because when you ask questions it makes you more aware of what to expect in the IJMB examination.

Study IJMB past questions

The most paramount tip on how to pass IJMB examination is by reading IJMB past questions and answers.

This is because when you read IJMB past questions it helps you to know what to expect on the day of the IJMB examination.

Also few questions are being repeated, so when you study IJMB past questions it helps you to easily detect repeated questions and answer them correctly.

Be determined to pass IJMB exam 

Determination is key in order to pass the IJMB examination because when you are determined it makes you focused, zealous and passion driven to pass the IJMB examination.

So be determined and yearn to pass the IJMB examination with good grade points

Create a study map for yourself

Creating a study map for yourself is another vital tip on how to pass IJMB examination because it makes reading fun.

So Creating a reading map simply means you should list out topics to read on a daily basis and make sure you spend more time on difficult topics so you can understand them.

So write out different topics from different subjects and study them consistently. This way you have created a study map for yourself which would make reading easy and fun for you.

Create a Timetable

When preparing for IJMB examination it is important you create a timetable to study with so as to enhance your chance to cover all subjects.

While creating a study timetable, endeavor to spend more time on the difficult subject and make other subjects follow.

Relax well and stay healthy

Health is wealth, so relax well, eat a balanced diet and stay healthy in order not to fall sick on the day of the exam.

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Also when you relax well before reading it makes your brain rest and ready to assimilate anything you read.

Pray to God 

The only supreme being who can make you pass the IJMB examination after you must have studied is God.

So pray to God to help you pass the IJMB examination and pray to God not to let you fall sick on the day of the exam.

Frequently Asked Questions About IJMB Examination

Is IJMB exam difficult?

Basically no exam is difficult if you read so this implies that the IJMB exam is not difficult only if you study smart.

However if you don’t read then expect the IJMB exam to be difficult for you because it’s not magic what you don’t read you can’t know it.

So if you don’t want the IJMB exam to be difficult then you need to play your role by following all tips on how to pass IJMB examination listed above in this article.

How are IJMB points calculated?

The Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB) adopts a special way for calculating the points of the examination.

So the total point for IJMB is 16 with grades from A to E which is regarded as a pass mark while grade F is regarded as a fail grade.

IJMB points calculation summary
Mark Range Letter Grade Grade Points Interpretation
70 – Above         A 5 points, Excellent
60 – 69         B 4 points, Very Good
50 – 59         C 3 points, Good
45 – 49         D 2 points, Merit
40 – 44         E 1 point, Pass
0 – 39         F 0 point, Fail

 How long does it take to do IJMB?

The Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB) programme runs for a duration of nine (9) months which is splitted into two semesters.

However the Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB) is open to any candidate that is interested both International or National.

Do IJMB students write post UTME?

No, IJMB students don’t need to write the University post UTME because with your IJMB result you can get a Direct Entry (DE) into any University of your choice in Nigeria.

So all you need to do is go to the Jamb portal, upload your IJMB result on the portal, choose the course you want to study and school and apply for a Direct Entry (DE).

Can I use my IJMB result to study abroad?

Yes, you can use the IJMB result to study abroad because the IJMB result is recognized both in Nigerian and overseas.


So now you know the tips on how to pass IJMB examination as it was explained in this article. So endeavor to follow all tips and expect success.

However if you know anyone who might need tips on how to pass IJMB examination you can share this article with them.

Also if you have any additional questions feel free to drop it in the comments section.

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