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How To Pass Junior Waec (BECE) Exam

If you are a Junior Secondary School (JSS3) student and you want to know how to pass Junior Waec (BECE) exam then this article is for you so continue reading.

The Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) also known as Junior Waec is the main examination that determines if a Junior Secondary School (JSS3) student would be promoted to Senior Secondary School one (SSS1) or vocational schools in Ghana.

Also read: How To Prepare and Pass Senior WAEC Examination Excellently

However the BECE exam is written after you must have spent three (3) years without repeating any class in the junior secondary school.

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So the BECE exam is a compulsory exam and every BECE candidates must have at least credits in all their subject but aspire to get A’s in all your papers.

However many BECE candidates are always scared when they hear of the BECE exam. Well you don’t need to be afraid because you are about to get mind blowing tips to pass the Junior Waec (BECE) exam.

So in this article you would discover 10 tips to help you pass the Junior Waec (BECE) exam without cheating and get A’s in all papers.

How To Pass Junior Waec (BECE) Exam

This section comprises powerful tips to pass the Junior Waec (BECE) exam so endeavor to read carefully.

Below are Tips To Pass Junior Waec (BECE) Exam:

  1. Get to know the Junior WAEC exam format
  2. Study using the Junior WAEC (BECE) Syllabus 
  3. Always do your Class work/Assignment
  4. Study Junior Waec (BECE) Past Questions
  5. Read the instructions carefully before attempting the question
  6. Increase your Reading Time
  7. Do not involve in Examination Malpractice(Expo)
  8. Involve In Group Reading
  9. Rely on Your Strength and Improve on Your weakness.
  10. Believe in Yourself

1.Get to know the Junior WAEC (BECE) exam format

You need to understand the Junior Waec (BECE) exam format because it prepares your mind on how the Junior Waec (BECE) looks like.

So note that the BECE exam is a paper and pen written exam that comprises both objective and theory questions.

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However you would be given 60 questions in the objective aspects while in the theory aspects you would be given 5 questions but you are required to answer only 3 questions.

So choose the one you know how to answer more. Also you only have one (1) hour and thirty (30) minutes to answer all questions in the Junior Waec (BECE).

2.Study using the Junior WAEC(BECE) Syllabus

Studying the Junior Waec (BECE) syllabus helps you prepare more efficiently for the junior Waec (BECE) exam because it tells you the topics to concentrate on.

So when you make the Junior Waec (BECE) syllabus your study guide, it gives you the adequate preparation you need to pass the BECE exam.

3.Always do your Classwork and Assignment

It is important to always do your class work and assignment because it shows how serious you are towards the Junior Waec (BECE) exam.

Also it helps test your knowledge and how prepared you are for the junior Waec exam. So never neglect any classwork or assignment given to you.

4.Study Junior Waec (BECE) Past Questions

It is good to study the Junior Waec (BECE) past questions and answers because it helps you get an idea on how BECE set their exam questions.

Also questions are repeated every year so studying BECE past questions helps you detect repeated questions easily and makes you answer correctly.

5.Read the instructions carefully before attempting the question

Ideally reading the instructions of any exam should be the first thing you should do. So ensure to read but BECE instructions carefully before attempting any questions.

This is because it guides you on how you are meant to attempt the Junior Waec (BECE) questions, how to shade your answers correctly and other things.

6.Increase your Reading Time

When preparing for the Junior Waec (BECE) exam you need to be serious because it’s not the time to play.

So ensure to increase your reading time and read consistently for the exam. 

Also create a study map and timetable to help you read for a longer period of time and also make reading fun.

7.Do not involve in Examination Malpractice(Expo)

The last thing that should be in your mind is indulging in examination malpractice (expo). So don’t rely or involve in examination malpractice.

Because if you are caught you would be arrested and handed over to the police and can be banned from writing the BECE exam forever.

So try to read your books in order to prepare for the Junior Waec (BECE) and not depending on expo.

8.Involve In Group Reading

How To Pass Junior Waec (BECE) Exam - student doing group reading
Student reading in a group

You can organize a group reading section with your serious friends because it helps you to prepare adequately for the Junior Waec (BECE) exam.

So when you Involve in group reading it enables everyone to share their ideas and everyone gets to learn from each.

9.Rely on Your Strength and Improve on Your weakness.

So every student knows that particular subject he or she is really good at, so dwell more on that subject and try to perform really well on those subjects.

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However you also need to improve on your weakness which is the subject you are not good at.

So tell others to teach you the subject you are not really good at so you can be able to pass all subjects with good grades.

10.Believe in Yourself

The last tip on how to pass the  Junior Waec (BECE) exam is by believing in yourself that you can pass the exam.

So have a positive mindset and always say “I would pass the Junior Waec (BECE) exam”. This way you get more confident and boldness to sit for the exam.

Frequently Asked Questions About Junior Waec (BECE) Exam

How can I pass my BECE exam?

You can pass your BECE exam by reading consistently for the exam and also follow all tips to pass the BECE exam as it was listed in this article.

Because the BECE exam is a compulsory exam that you need to write before moving to the next class.

Is calculator allowed in BECE?

No, calculators are not allowed in the Junior Waec (BECE) so this means that you would be using just your pen and paper to answer any questions that require using the calculator.

So you need to learn how to answer questions without using the calculator.

Which countries write BECE?

The Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) also known as Junior Waec is written in only two (2) countries which are Ghana and Nigeria.

So note that the BECE is not a general exam in all countries but only written by students in Ghana and Nigeria alone.

Is Junior Waec (BECE) Difficult?

No, the Junior Waec (BECE) is not difficult if you prepare adequately for the exam.

But if you don’t prepare adequately then expect the Junior Waec (BECE) to be difficult. However, ensure you follow the tips to pass Junior Waec (BECE) as listed in this article and expect BECE to be easy.


In conclusion, the Junior Waec (BECE) is the examination that determines if you would be promoted to the senior secondary class one(SS1).

So you need to prepare adequately by following the tips to pass Junior Waec (BECE) as it was listed in this article and expect success.

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