Past Questions & Answers

How to Pass NABTEB Examination

Do you want to know how to pass NABTEB examination? Or do you want to know more about the NABTEB examination? Then this article is for you because it covers all you need to know on how to pass NABTEB examination.

The National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) is a body that is in charge of the National Business Certificate (NBC),National Technical Examination (NTC), and other numerous A’Level examinations.

However NABTEB was founded in the year 1992 by the federal government, and any candidate that possesses the NABTEB certificate can be promoted to level 5 in the civil service.

So to gain this qualification means you must sit for the NABTEB examination and pass. This is where many candidates get scared and think they can’t pass the NABTEB exam.

But you have nothing to be scared of because the NABTEB exam is easy if you have the appropriate guide to follow.

So in this article prepare your mind because you would learn top tips and proving ways on how to pass NABTEB examination.

So if you are in the category of candidates who feel that the NABTEB exam is hard and impossible to pass, it is better you have a change of mind and go through this article vividly because it contains mind blowing ideas on how to pass NABTEB examination.

How to Pass NABTEB Examination

Now is the time to figure out how you can actually blast the NABTEB examination so I endeavor you to go through it step by step.

So below are tips on how to pass NABTEB examination:

  1. Study Voraciously
  2. Study NABTEB Past Questions and Answers
  3. Study to Learn (don’t cram)
  4. Use NABTEB Syllabus when Studying
  5. Exhibit the habit of reading daily
  6. Monitor Your Exam Date and Time
  7. Know your Exam Location on Time
  8. Get The Required Material
  9. Create a Study Timetable
  10. Sleep well and eat healthy
  11. God factor

1.Study Voraciously

Studying voraciously is a vital tip on how to pass NABTEB examination because when you study voraciously there is this passion and drive that makes you want to study to know.

Also the word study voraciously simply means the eagerness to study your books and know what entails in what you are studying.

So basically learn that you don’t just want to study but you want to study voraciously for the NABTEB examination because it’s an A’Level examination.

So if you apply this simple strategy in studying for the NABTEB examination then you are in the pathway to pass the NABTEB examination.

2.Study NABTEB Past Questions and Answers

How to Pass NABTEB Examination- study past questions
NABTEB past question

I will tell you a little secret about using past questions and answers to study for the NABTEB examination.

Basically the past question helps and ready your mind towards what to expect on the day of the NABTEB examination.

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So what this means is that some questions are being repeated yearly but most students still fail to understand that, so if you want to pass the NABTEB examination then make the NABTEB past question and answer your optimum guide.

So that if at all they want to repeat any question you would be able to know the question and answer it correctly because you have familiarized yourself with the NABTEB past questions and answers.

3.Study to Learn (don’t cram)

The mistake most NABTEB candidates make is that they study to cram and just pass the exam. This is absolutely wrong because when you study to cram you tend to forget what you have read in the exam hall.

But when you study to learn and understand what you have read then there is a probability that you will easily recall what you have read even after the NABTEB exam.

So try as much as possible that when studying, study to learn and understand what you are studying and avoid cramming.

4.Use NABTEB Syllabus when Studying

If you want to pass the NABTEB examination you need to know that using the NABTEB syllabus as a guide to study is a great tip on how to pass NABTEB exam.

This is because the National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) always sets a syllabus that comprises different topics.

So it’s left for you to go through every topic in the NABTEB syllabus vividly, try to cover all areas and expect success in the NABTEB examination.

5.Exhibit the habit of reading daily

Reading everyday is a tested and trusted tip on how to pass NABTEB examination because when you read everyday it helps your brain to stay fresh.

Most candidates say it is impossible to read daily because they have other things to do. But I tell you those other things can wait and it’s definitely possible to read daily.

You need to prepare for the NABTEB examination as if your life depends on it so as to get a positive result so find time to read daily even if it’s at night.

Also when you exhibit the habit of reading daily it helps improve your capability of answering and solving questions easily on the day of the examination.

6.Monitor Your Exam Date and Time

Ideally you are meant to know the time and date your NABTEB examination falls under so as to be conscious and constantly reminded that the time is near.

7.Know your Exam Location on Time

Knowing your exam location is another success tip to pass the NABTEB examination because you get to be familiar with the location and helps you arrive there on time on the day of the examination.

So when you know your exam location you don’t need to be looking for it on the exam date which can cause delay or you getting to the examination hall late.

8.Get The Required Material

You need to get the  required materials, in the sense that you should have prepared your pencil, biro, calculator if needed and other vital documents that would be requested for on the day of the examination.

9.Create a Study Timetable

To make studying easy and faster it is advisable that you create a study timetable for the NABTEB examination.

This gives a routine that you would follow while reading. Also note that It is good if you put the subject you are not really good at more at the time you know you will be free more often.

So as to give room for more concentration and improvement on those subjects.

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10.Sleep well and eat healthy

If you want to pass the NABTEB examination, you should sleep well and eat healthy so you don’t fall sick.

Also eating healthy helps in making your brain super active to assimilate what you read easily, however you should also add fruits to your eating diet and take a lot of fruits.

This is a powerful tips most blogs or site won’t tell you but you are getting it free in dailygam. So endeavor to sleep well and eat healthy because it is a great tip on how to pass NABTEB examination.

11.God factor

Lastly, you should involve God in your preparation towards the NABTEB examination because you have no power of your own.

So pray to God that God should help you pass the NABTEB examination because there is nothing too hard that God cannot do.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

  • Is NABTEB easy to pass?
  • What does A3 mean in NABTEB?
  • Is NABTEB an O level?
  • What does P7 mean in NABTEB results?
  • Can I use NABTEB to study abroad?

Is NABTEB easy to pass?

Yes, NABTEB is easy to pass but if you want to pass the NABTEB examination then it comes with a price to pay

And the above tips on how to pass the NABTEB examination listed in this article is the price you must pay.

So go through the tips vividly and watch the NABTEB exam to be easy for you.

What does A3 mean in NABTEB?

NABTEB grades are quite different from the normal grade points of WAEC, NECO, JUPEB, or any other exam in Nigeria. So basically A3 in NABTEB Means B3 

Is NABTEB an O level?

Yes, NABTEB has an O’Level result but you must have written the NABTEB O’Level exam.

Also note that NABTEB exams are two the O’Level and the A’Level. So whichever one you want to obtain you would simply write the exam in order to obtain that result.

What does P7 mean in NABTEB results?

Like you know how NABTEB grade their result points is quite different from how WAEC, NECO, JUPEB and other exam boards in Nigeria grade their result points.

So answering the question: What does P7 mean in NABTEB results? P7 in NABTEB results means D7. However other grading points in NABTEB are as follows:

  • A2 in NABTEB Result means B2
  • P8 in NABTEB Result mean E8

Can I use NABTEB to study abroad?

The answer is definitely yes, you can use NABTEB to study abroad.

The National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) now has international recognition and can be easily used to gain admission into Universities abroad.

However note that not all Universities abroad accept the NABTEB examination so you should apply for the University that accepts NABTEB results if you want to study abroad.


In conclusion, it was fully explained on how to pass NABTEB examination and other frequently asked questions pertaining to the NABTEB examination. So endeavor to follow all tips in this article and expect success.

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