Past Questions & Answers

How To Pass NECO Excellently

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Do you want to know how to pass NECO Excellently? and other frequently asked questions about the NECO Exam then this article is for you.

The National Examination Council (NECO) is an examination body in Nigeria that handles the General Certificate Education (GCE), Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE) for both internal and external candidates

They also govern Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) and as well as National Common Entrance Examination (NCEE)

However the NECO exam is conducted around June/July and November/December for both public and private schools.

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Knowing fully well that the NECO certificate is recognized by all Universities in Nigeria and as well the body usually sets their marking guide to be strict causing students to think the exam is difficult.

Also the NECO result is recognized internationally and can be used to get scholarships abroad which makes more students want to write the examination and gain the result but the problem is fear and doubt comes into the mind of many students.

Most students believe that the NECO is difficult to pass and they are always scared to write the exam.

So if you are in the category of students that think the NECO exam is difficult then you need to change your thinking faculty because you are about to read mind blowing tips on how to pass the NECO excellently.

So let’s get started;

How To Pass NECO Excellently

This section you would learn amazing tips on how to pass NECO excellently so it is advisable you scroll gradually and read carefully.

Below are tips on how to pass NECO excellently:

  1. Understand the NECO Exam Questions
  2. Don’t Involve in Examination Malpractice
  3. Don’t Rely on Expo
  4. Study NECO Brochure and Syllabus
  5. Study Consistently for the NECO Exam
  6. Purchase and Study NECO Past Questions
  7. Give a Detailed Explanation when Answering NECO Questions
  8. Join a NECO study group online
  9. Join Physical NECO Tutorial
  10. Make your Handwriting Visible
  11. Pray to God to Help you Pass the Exam

1.Understand the NECO Exam Questions

Understanding how NECO always sets their exam questions is a vital tip on how to pass NECO excellently because it sharpens your mind on how many questions to expect.

Basically the NECO exam consists of  sixty (60) objective questions for only Mathematics and English language while the other subject contains forty (40) objective questions.

The theory aspects for English language consists of comprehension, Essay and summary while for Mathematics the theory aspects consist of nine (9) questions and you are meant to answer only five (5) questions.

For other subjects the theory contains five (5) questions and you are meant to answer only three (3) questions, so you can choose the one you know you can do best so as to pass the NECO exam excellently.

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Now you know how NECO set their question, however it is advisable you read the instructions on the question paper Incase there is any change on how to attempt the questions.

2.Don’t Involve in Examination Malpractice

How to Pass NECO Excellently- Do not involve in exam malpractice
Student Cheating

The greatest mistake you can make while preparing to pass NECO excellently is to indulge in examination malpractice.

This is because the penalty of indulging yourself in examination malpractice is cancellation of the subject paper you wrote.

So imagine if you were to write Mathematics and you were caught cheating that means automatically the Mathematics exam would be canceled for you and you know the result is failure.

So if you want to pass NECO excellently try to abstain from examination Malpractice as it is one of the great tips on how to pass NECO excellently.

3.Don’t Rely on Expo

How to Pass NECO Excellently- Don't rely on Expo
Students Cheating

Another success tip on how to pass NECO excellently is that you shouldn’t rely on expo on the day of the NECO exam.

Relying on expo would kill your spirit to read which at the end of the day you wouldn’t get any expo on the day of the exam.

So basically read your books and don’t depend on any expo any teacher, website, student or school promise to give you.

4.Study NECO Brochure and Syllabus

When you study the NECO brochure and syllabus it gives you an insight on which topic to expect questions to come out from on the day of the NECO exam.

Basically The National Examination Council (NECO) always sets a guide to study with which is the NECO brochure and syllabus. So endeavor to go through them.

Well many students would ask how can I get the NECO brochure and syllabus? It is easy to get the NECO syllabus and brochure. You simply need to visit the official NECO website and locate the brochure and syllabus.

5.Study Consistently for the NECO Exam

There is no magic towards passing the NECO exam excellently, if you don’t read you can get an excellent result.

So try to study  consistently for the NECO exam as this is a success tip on how to pass NECO excellently.

Study as if your life depends on the exam. This way you get to be more consistent in studying and pass the NECO exam excellently.

6.Purchase and Study NECO Past Questions

NECO Past questions and answers have always been the ultimate guide on how to pass NECO excellently.

This is because when you study NECO past questions and answers it sharpens your mind on what to expect on the exam day.

Also NECO sometimes repeat questions every year which makes it easy for you to answer the question being repeated correctly if only you had been studying the NECO past questions and answers.

7.Give a Detailed Explanation when Answering NECO Questions

This is where most students get it wrong, you need to understand that the NECO marking guide is strict.

So try as much as possible to elaborate more on your points while answering questions in the network exam.

This is because it makes whosoever marking your script feel you know what you are writing and can fetch you good marks.

But remember don’t just write stories all in the name of you want to elaborate your points instead write meaningful and sensible answers.

8.Join a NECO study groups online

Joining the NECO study group online is another tip on how to pass NECO excellently because it helps build your knowledge the most.

Also when you join NECO study groups online you get to know more information about the NECO exam which may be valuable for you.

9.Join Physical NECO Tutorial

Ideally it is good to attend NECO tutorial as it it one of the basic success tip on how to pass NECO excellently because you get to gain knowledge from diverse new teachers.

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Also this helps you make use of your free time to gain more knowledge and be equipped for the NECO exam.

So find a good NECO tutorial center and start attending on a regular basis.

10.Make your Handwriting Visible

Most NECO candidates have been penalized for simply not writing what the marker can see. So when writing the NECO exam try to make your handwriting bold, visible and readable.

Also when you write neatly and visible it fetches  you marks making it easy to get good grades in NECO.

11.Pray to God to Help you Pass the Exam

Your preparation towards passing the NECO exam excellently is not complete yet if you don’t add God to it.

So pray to God to help you pass the NECO exam and as well commit all your papers into God’s hands.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I Pass my NECO?

You can pass NECO by reading Consistently, practicing NECO past questions and answers, attending NECO tutorials and believing in yourself that you would pass the NECO exam.

However it was also listed in full above in how to pass NECO excellently, so in case you did not understand you can go over it again for better understanding.

Is NECO Easier than WAEC?

The answer is left for you to answer because no exam is hard or easy but you can make the NECO exam simple for you if you read your books well.

So I would not say NECO is easier than WAEC or WAEC is easier than NECO rather NECO marking guide is more strict compared to that of WAEC marking guide.

What Should I Read for NECO?

You should read the NECO brochure and syllabus, NECO past questions and answers and as well read all your books starting from JSS1 to SSS3.

The reason is because you never can tell where NECO would set questions from so to be on a safe side read all the books listed above.

What score is A1 in NECO?

The National Examination Council (NECO) grading of the score system is also the same as the West African Examination Council (WAEC) .

Thus A1 in NECO is Excellent with a percentage that ranges from 75% to 100%. However below is NECO grading of score system

Grade Grade Percentage Grade Interpretation
    A1 75% – 100% Excellent
    B2 70% – 74% Very good
    B3 65% – 69% Good
    C4 60% – 64% Credit
    C5 55% – 59% Credit
    C6 50% – 54% Credit
    D7 45% – 49% Pass
    E8 40% – 45% Pass
    F9 0% – 44% Failure


In conclusion, I am sure you really learnt a lot on how to pass NECO excellently and other frequently asked questions concerning NECO that were answered in this article. So endeavor to follow all tips and expect success.

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