Past Questions & Answers

How To Pass OOU Post UTME

If you have ever wondered how to pass OOU Post UTME or you want to know other frequently asked questions about Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU) then this article is for you.

The Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU) is one of the first-class universities in Nigeria with the Motto: Excellentia Humana et Patriae opus.

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Olabisi Onabanjo University is a state-owned university that was established on July 7, 1982, as Ogun State University but was later changed to its current name which is Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU).

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The University aims to teach its students good morals and give them quality and sound education in a conducive environment.

However, Olabisi Onabanjo University is located in Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State, Nigeria. So after hearing all of the good tidings OOU gives her students, you begin to wonder how you can get admission into Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU).

Well before getting admission into the great Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU), you need to sit for their Post UTME exam and pass the aggregate score of your department.

So if you want to know how to pass the OOU Post UTME exam then continue reading this article because we would be revealing 9 awesome tips to pass the OOU Post UTME exam and smash the aggregate score of your department.

How To Pass OOU Post UTME

This section covers all you need to know on how to pass the OOU Post UTME exam so endeavor to read this section meticulously.

Below are tips to pass OOU Post UTME:

  1. Read your books
  2. Answer the questions you know first
  3. Practice OOU Post UTME past questions and answers
  4. Arrive at the exam venue early
  5. Do not enter the exam hall with anything that can implicate you
  6. Dress comfortable and smart
  7. Be fast and smart when answering questions
  8. Don’t be in a hurry to submit
  9. Believe in yourself and your creator
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1. Read your books

How to pass OOU Post UTME- read Consistently
Student studying

There is no shortcut to achieving success so this implies your academics.

What you don’t read you can’t know so endeavor to read your books if you want to pass the Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU).

Start reading your books early enough so you can be able to prepare adequately for the Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU) Post UTME exam.

2. Answer the questions you know first

You should answer the questions you know first when attempting the OOU Post UTME exam questions.

This is because it helps you save time and makes you answer more questions correctly. So after you must have answered the questions you know then you can come back to answer the questions you skipped.

3. Practice OOU Post UTME past questions and answers

The fact about studying past questions especially the OOU Post UTME past questions remains the same

Because when you practice the OOU  Post UTME past questions and answers it helps you to be familiar with how Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU)set their Post UTME questions and makes you prepare adequately.

Also, OOU repeats their Post utme questions so when you practice the OOU Post UTME past questions you get to fish out any possible repeated questions and answer them correctly.

4. Arrive at the exam venue early

You must arrive at your exam venue early so you won’t be late for the exam.

So locate your exam venue before the exam day and make sure you arrive early because it helps you to be relaxed and meditate before the OOU Post UTME exam begins.

5. Do not enter the exam hall with anything that can implicate you

Since you know the consequence of indulging in examination malpractice it is better you abstain from it.

So do not enter the OOU Post UTME exam hall with anything you know can implicate you, especially your mobile phone.

6. Dress comfortable and smart

Try to dress smartly when going to write the OOU Post UTME to be comfortable.

For the male avoid sagging and don’t put on a face cap while for the female avoid heavy makeup, and excess jewelry and don’t put on a tight dress.

Also, remember to go with your sweater just in case the weather is cold.

7. Be fast and smart when answering questions

When attempting OOU Post UTME questions you need to be fast and smart because the OOU Post UTME exam is a timed exam.

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So the only way you can attempt all questions before your time runs out is to apply speed and accuracy.

Mind you the Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU) Post UTME exam is a very tricky exam so you need to be smart while choosing any answer.

8. Don’t be in a hurry to submit

The OOU Post UTME is not about who is the first to finish nor do they reward anyone who finishes on time.

So this means that you should take your time by revising the answers you picked if you still have time.

9. Believe in yourself and your creator

Lastly, you should believe in yourself that you would pass the Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU) Post UTME exam.

Also, believe that your Creator would help you pass the exam with flying colors.

Frequently Asked Questions About OOU Post UTME

How many questions is OOU post UTME?

The total number of questions in the Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU) Post UTME exam is 50 questions.

However, you only have thirty (30) minutes to answer all 50 questions in OOU Post UTME.

Does OOU accept 175?

Yes, OOU accepts candidates who score 175 in their UTME results.

What is OOU post UTME cut-off mark?

The Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU) cut-off mark is 160 so if you score 160 and above you can apply for the OOU Post UTME.

Is OOU a private or state university?

Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU) is a state-owned university.

How many students are in OOU?

Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU) boasts of having over 50,000 students and have trained numerous students to be graduates.


In conclusion, the Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU) Post UTME is a compulsory exam that determines if a candidate would be admitted into OOU.

So endeavor to follow all tips to pass OOU Post UTME as it was listed in this article so you can be given admission to study in OOU.

Also, share this article so it can benefit others and if you have any questions drop in in the comment section below.

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