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How to Pass TASUED Post UTME

In this article you would get to know the hidden secrets on how to pass TASUED Post UTME so if you want to find out the hidden secrets on how to pass TASUED Post UTME then you are on the right platform.

Tai Solarin University Of Education also known as TASUED is a prominent University in Nigeria that has over 20,000+ students and has trained numerous students to become graduates.

Also read: How to Pass OAU Post UTME

The Tai Solarin University of Education is located at Ijagun Road, 120101, Ijebu Ode and the school’s major aim is to give their students high and quality education leading them to be a better person in life.

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Also it is important to know that the Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED) Post UTME plays a major role in the admission process of TASUED aspirants.

However, even if you score a low Jamb score then strive to score high in TASUED Post UTME.

Knowing all this, TASUED is a bit competitive in terms of gaining admission into the school but nothing to worry about because you are about to know the hidden secrets on how to pass TASUED Post UTME.

So if you really want to gain admission into the great Tai Solarin University of Education then relax and read through this article so buckle up and let’s begin.

How To Pass TASUED Post UTME

In this section we will be revealing and discussing the nine (9) hidden secrets on how to pass TASUED Post UTME and gain admission into the Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED).

Below are tips on how to pass TASUED Post UTME:

  1. Start reading early
  2. Let TASUED Post UTME past questions be your friend
  3. create a study map and Timetable
  4. Arrive at the exam venue on time
  5. Apply speed and accuracy
  6. Don’t procrastinate
  7. Don’t rely of your Jamb score
  8. Join TASUED Post UTME reading groups online
  9. Kill the fear of failure
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1.Start reading early

It pays to start preparing for exams early so start reading early for the Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED).

When you start early reading it enables you to be more competent and bold for the Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED) Post UTME exam.

So the best way to tackle the TASUED Post UTME exam is early reading and never you try to start preparing for the TASUED Post UTME exam few weeks to the exam.

This is wrong because there is a tendency that you might end up preparing for the TASUED Post UTME exam inadequately.

So the summary of this sector is that you should start reading early for the TASUED Post UTME exam.

2.Let TASUED Post UTME past questions be your friend

The only friend you should have is the TASUED Post UTME past questions this is because it’s contains hidden secrets to pass the TASUED Post UTME no other friend can tell you.

So you need to purchase the TASUED Post UTME past questions and answers and practice it it daily.

3.Create a study map and timetable

How to pass TASUED Post UTME - create a personal time table
A study timetable

Creating a study map and time table is important because it makes reading fast, easy and fun.

Creating a study map simply means you should write out key difficult topics from different subjects and follow it while reading.

While creating a timetable is arranging different subject in which it would be your guide to study with everyday.So when you have done all this try to follow them and you would see that reading would become much more easier for you.

4.Arrive at the exam venue on time

This is because it helps you to relax a bit and mediate so as to be fully prepared to sit of the TASUED Post UTME exam.

So know your exam venue beforehand and arriving there on time.

5.Apply speed and accuracy

One thing you should be aware of is the the TASUED Post UTME exam is a CBT times exam.

So you need to apply speed and accuracy while attempting questions in order to finish before your time elapses.

6.Don’t procrastinate

Procrastination has killed many TASUED aspirants dreams of getting admission so avoid procrastination.

If there is anything you need to do towards preparing for the TASUED Post UTME do it immediately and don’t procrastinate.

7.Don’t rely of your Jamb score

The mistake few TASUED aspirants make is relying on their Jamb score. Please know that getting a very high score does not guarantee you getting admission into TASUED.

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So strive to also score high in your the TASUED Post UTME exam in other to be on a more safer side of getting admission.

8.Join TASUED Post UTME reading groups online

Another hidden secret to pass the TASUED Post UTME is by joining TASUED online post UTME study groups.

The reason is because you get to know more information about the TASUED Post UTME and interact with other TASUED aspirants on how to pass TASUED Post UTME exam.

9.Kill the fear of failure

You need to kill the fear of failure by believing in yourself that you would pass the TASUED Post UTME exam. 

Also you can pray to God to help you kill the fear of failure in you and help you pass the TASUED Post UTME exam.

Frequently Asked Questions About TASUED Post UTME

Is TASUED Post UTME hard?

The TASUED Post UTME is not hard if only you read and follow the tips on how to pass TASUED Post UTME as it was listed in this article.

What is the cut off mark for TASUED post UTME?

The cut off mark for Tai Solarin University of Education is 150. So only candidates that score 150+ above can apply for TASUED Post UTME exam.

How does TASUED set their post UTME questions?

TASUED Post UTME exam questions is based on the subject combination you choose in your UTME so practice more on those subject.

How many question is TASUED post Utme?

The total questions in TASUED Post UTME is 50 questions so you are expected to answer 50 questions in the TASUED Post UTME expect it changes.


The Tai Solarin University of Education is every candidates dream school so in other to gain admission into TASUED you need to prepare so follow the tips on how to pass TASUED Post UTME as it was listed in the article.

 Also you can share this article and drop a your questions in the comments section if you have any.

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