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Is Post UTME More Difficult Than Jamb?

Is post-utme more difficult than jamb? That’s one of the questions students do ask when it comes to knowing about jamb and post-utme.

When you learn that your prospective university, polytechnic, or college of education will administer the post-UTME (exam) rather than the screening, you’re more likely to inquire whether the post-UTME will be more difficult than the JAMB.

After all, you’ve already completed the JAMB UTME and know what it’s like. The questions were either difficult or simple, depending on the situation. You still don’t know what the post-UTME will be like.

So, will the post-UTME be more difficult or difficult than the JAMB?

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In this post, I’ll try to answer your question as directly as possible. Furthermore, I will need to provide some references to back up my final position on this.

What do you think when your prospective university insists on an entrance exam other than the well-known JAMB?

Of course, they are sceptical of JAMB. They continue to believe that some students manipulate the UTME. As a result, they want to admit candidates who meet their standards.

Those who trust JAMB believe the board’s syllabus is more accommodating to aspirants than it should be. As a result, they want to take you through a more difficult route.

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Schools holding post-UTMEs should expect their questions to be more difficult than usual. Of course, you can use your most recent UTME as a guide but be prepared for more difficult questions.

Though not always the case, some schools (those offering post-UTME) usually go beyond the subjects tested by JAMB.

A candidate seeking admission to UNILORIN Medicine and Surgery, for example, will select, prepare for, and sit for English, Chemistry, Physics, and Biology in the JAMB UTME.

However, when it comes to post-UTME questions, the University of Ilorin is known for focusing on English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, and General Papers (which can combine a series of questions including current affairs).

In this case, no further explanation is required to demonstrate that the post-UTME will be more difficult for their aspirants.

We should not expect the same marking scheme because the number of questions in the post-UTME is not usually the same as in the JAMB.

JAMB assigns different marks to different subjects and even different questions within a subject, such as English. Most post-UTME schools assign the same grade to each question. As a result, for a competitive score, your performance must be consistent across the board.

Similarly, some schools, such as Obafemi Awolowo University, have been accused of using negative markings in previous Post-UTMEs. The university will subtract what you missed from what you received using the negative marking scheme.

For instance, if you answered 70 questions correctly out of 100, they will deduct 30 (which you missed) from the 70. As a result, you end up with 40.

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Your school’s post-UTME may be more difficult due to differences in marking schemes among schools and in comparison to what is obtained from the JAMB’s marking method.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Post UTME exam harder than the jamb?

Yes, it is meant to be harder because the university would want to test you to see the good you are.

Is Post UTME similar to Jamb?

There are similar because they are both entrance exams to higher institutions but are organized by different bodies.

How can I pass post-UTME successfully?

For you to pass, you have to read extra hard.

What is the cut-off mark for the post-UTME exam?

It is always over 400 but each department has its way of rating.


This post is not intended to scare you or give you the impression that you might not pass your post-UTME. It’s simply to raise awareness of what to expect in the post-UTME, which may differ from what you’re used to, particularly in the JAMB UTME.

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