Past Questions & Answers

How to prepare and pass JUPEB Examination

Have you been wondering how to prepare and pass the JUPEB Examination? Well if you are in this category continue reading because this article contains a lot about the JUPEB examination.

Furthermore, The Joint Universities Preliminary Examination Board(JUPEB) is a new and fast growing A’Level examination board formed by the University of Lagos with other accredited learning centers across other states in Nigeria.

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Knowing fully well that the Joint Universities Preliminary Examination Board(JUPEB) is a two academic semester program which is approximately a one year program.

So therefore, candidates who successfully pass the JUPEB examination will then gain Direct Entry(DE) admission to 200 level degree programmes into Universities that accept JUPEB results.

So it is best if you know how to prepare and pass the JUPEB examination which would be explained fully in this article.

Knowing fully well that the JUPEB examination is one of the easiest exams to pass if you know the guide to prepare with and also the hardest if you don’t prepare with a good guide.

How to prepare and pass JUPEB Examination

Basically it is good to follow a good guide on how to prepare and pass the JUPEB examination. However below are ways you can prepare and pass JUPEB examination:

  • Attend Class Regularly 
  • Teach Others What You Read
  • Always Revise Each Day After Lecture
  • Discover Your Best Reading Time
  • Avoid Distraction
  • Read In A Conducive,Calm And Ventilated Environment
  • Be Relaxed During the JUPEB examination
  • Practice JUPEB past questions and answers
  • Follow All Instructions Strictly During The JUPEB Examination
  • Have Positive Mindset
  • God factor

1.Attend Class Regularly

The first step to make if you want to pass the JUPEB examination is to always attend class regularly.

Like it was stated earlier on in this article that the Joint Universities Preliminary Examination Board(JUPEB) is a one year program.

So definitely you would need to enroll for JUPEB, be admitted and you would be posted to your study center where you would be attending lectures for the next twelve (12) months.

So when you know your study center try never to miss class, it is just a year program so you need to be serious,focused and dedicated in attending lectures regularly because this helps you to prepare and pass the JUPEB examination.

2.Teach Others What You Read

The reason for teaching others what you read is because when you teach other people, you tend to know and understand better.

Also it helps you to easily recall and remember what you taught others while in the examination hall.

Ideally teaching others what you have read helps you prepare and pass the JUPEB examination excellently.

3.Always Revise Each Day After Lecture

Another tip on how to prepare and pass the JUPEB examination excellently is by revising each day after lectures.

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This helps to boost your brain capability to absorb and remember things being taught in class.

So by revising each day after lecture you tend to never forget things being taught in class easily.

So if you want to pass the JUPEB examination then start revising everyday each subject taught in class.

4.Discover Your Best Reading Time

Everybody is different and unique in his or her way so this also applies in our academic and reading time.

Discovering your best reading time simply means knowing the best and conducive time for you to read and understanding what you have read.

For some people they prefer reading at night while some prefer reading during the day time.

So discover which works for you better and start following the routine for reading.

5.Avoid Distraction

When preparing for the JUPEB examination try to avoid anything that causes distraction for you, knowing that distraction can be in any form.

Distraction can either be spending too much time on social media, playing football, excessive sleeping, hanging around with friends e.t.c.

So spot out what distracts you from reading your books effectively and try to avoid them and focus more on your studies.

6.Read In A Conducive,Calm And Ventilated Environment

Another way on how to prepare and pass JUPEB examination is by reading in a conducive, calm and well Ventilated area

The essence of reading in a conducive,calm and well ventilated area is because it helps you study comfortably and your brain will be relaxed.

Also it aids free and easy flow of breathing while reading and this helps your brain assimilate faster.

7.Be Relaxed During the JUPEB examination

When writing the JUPEB examination, always be relaxed and try to ease tension so as not to forget what you might have read.

Also when you are relaxed it helps you gain more focus and you get to remember on time what you have read before.

Never be in a hurry to submit your exam paper instead try going through it again to be sure you choose the correct answer.

8.Practice JUPEB past questions and answers

Studying past questions and answers is a Paramount tip on how to prepare and pass JUPEB examination because most of the  time JUPEB repeat questions from past years

So if you have been reading JUPEB past questions and answers you must have been familiar with all questions in it.

So try to visit any nearby bookshop and get the JUPEB past question and answer and start studying it immediately.

9.Follow All Instructions Strictly During The JUPEB Examination

On the day of the JUPEB examination try to follow all the rules in your question paper because failure to do so may lead to a penalty.

Also it makes things easy and faster for you since there is a guideline like how many questions to answer, how to shade your question paper .e.t.c.

10.Have Positive Mindset

The JUPEB examination examination is an A Level examination so any candidate writing the exam must perform excellently.

So while following all steps on how to prepare and pass the JUPEB examination listed above.

Endeavor to have a positive mindset that you would pass the JUPEB examination because the mind and mouth is powerful and a proverb says “whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve”.

11.God Factor

It is good to involve your creator in any exam you are writing. So if you are a Christian, Muslim or any religion pray and ask God to help pass the JUPEB exam in flying colors and believe in him.

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Frequently Asked QUESTIONS (FAQ)

Can i gain admission into university using JUPEB without JAMB

Yes, you can gain admission into the university using JUPEB without JAMB because when you apply for the JUPEB program for one year and you pass the JUPEB examination.

Then you can apply for Direct Entry (DE) into the university for a degree program of your choice.

However note that not all state or federal universities in Nigeria accept the JUPEB result.

To understand better below are Universities that accept JUPEB:

  • University of Lagos, Akoka
  • University of Ilorin, Ilorin
  • Obafemi Awolowo university, Ile Ife
  • Lead University, Ibadan
  • Bowen University, Iwo
  • Federal University of Agriculture,Abeokuta
  • Federal University of Technology. Owerri
  • University of Benin, Benin City
  • Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State
  • Crescent University, Abeokuta
  • Federal University of Petroleum, Effurun
  • Caleb University, Imota
  • Federal University of Technology, Akure
  • University of Uyo,Uyo
  • Redeemer’s University, Ede
  • University of Abuja
  • Afe Babalola University, Ado Ekiti
  • University of Nigeria, Nsukka

So above are a few Universities that accept JUPEB but not all were listed. However note that all private Universities in Nigeria accept the JUPEB result.

How to answer JUPEB Question

Answering JUPEB questions is super easy because you would be given a guide on your question paper on what to do and what not to do.

So when you have gotten your paper try to read the instructions first before you start answering the questions in it.

Is JUPEB exam hard

Basically the JUPEB exam is not as hard as you think, the reason why most students feel it is hard is because they don’t read and they don’t follow guides on how to prepare and pass the JUPEB examination.

However, it was listed fully in this article how to prepare and pass the JUPEB examination.

So if you follow the guides above and you read then the JUPEB exam shouldn’t be hard for you.

How to make use of JUPEB result

Well before using your JUPEB result you must have passed the JUPEB examination.

However, to use your JUPEB result to gain admission directly to 200 Level you need to visit JAMB official website to collect a Direct Entry (DE) form.

Then you get to fill the form which contains the option to choose your first choice and second choice institution and also the course you want to study before taking it back to a JUPEB accredited center.

Do JUPEB result expires

Many JUPEB candidates have been asking if the JUPEB result expires, well the JUPEB result does not have expiring time.

This simply means that you can use the JUPEB result to gain admission into the university any time even if it exceeds five (5) years or for long but you must have passed the JUPEB examination excellently.


In conclusion, it was fully explained on how to prepare and pass the JUPEB examination and other frequently asked questions (FAQ) concerning the JUPEB examination. So endeavor to follow the above tips and expect success.

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