Online School

Best Offline Cooking Class in South Africa

There are a lot of cooking class in South Africa and it is good for us to look at some of them and give you little details about them so that you won’t be confused about making your choices.

We all know South Africa is a home of good food though most of the schools we are going to mention here also have online classes for those that can’t be at the venue.

In these schools, you will be thought how to make different kinds of recipes and course, you will learn the business side of being a good chef or cook.

Keep in mind that most of these schools might be expensive and the reason for that is that there are privately owned.

Some government-owned schools can take you on this same course but the difference will always be in the type of tutors available

The schools have professional tutors for every recipe you’re going to learn in their school and everything they do is always more practice than theory.

So in this article, we are going to give you a little detail about the schools that are available in South Africa for those that would wish to study offline

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Best Offline Cooking Class in South Africa

Here we are going to give you the list of schools you can register with and become a professional and this industry.

1. The Institute of Culinary Arts

Come in as a novice and leave a world-class, highly trained chef. The Institute of Culinary Arts in South Africa is founded on traditional principles as well as cutting-edge, creative thinking.

Food is a science as well as an art, though. The ICA is inspired by the foundations cooks need to explore and develop their palate, learn how to plan, grasp the ratios underlying traditional recipes, and aim for nothing short of excellence to comprehend the science behind the food.

Being an ICA-trained chef will ensure your global prominence, sculpting a type of individuality for each style, teaching you how to hone your unique character, and helping you survive both passing trends and enduring ones.

2. JHB Culinary & Pastry School

As chefs Kelvin and Jarlyne Joel, founders of the JHB Culinary and Pastry School, would have it, a good chef needs qualifications as well as experience.

With over 250 students since its inception in 2012, JHB Culinary & Pastry School offers 30% theoretical training and 70% practical training.

Through alliances like the one it has with the French Le Castel Hotel School, which gives students the chance to broaden their approach to cooking by adjusting to varied situations, JHB offers both domestic and worldwide recognition.

3. Silwood School of Cookery

At Silwood, South Africa’s most esteemed cooking school, which has more than 54 years of experience, also making it the oldest, many chefs, food producers, and food writers began their careers.

Top kitchens all over the world, including Heston Blumenthal’s Fat Duck & Dinner, Raymond Blanc’s Le Manoir, Gordon Ramsay’s, and even Noma Restaurant in Copenhagen, employ Silwood alums.

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There isn’t much more to say to introduce you to one of the most prestigious cooking schools in the world, not just in South Africa. We could go on and on about the accolades and notoriety, but instead, we’ve just given you a brief overview of our top picks so you can do some independent research and not ruin the fun.

So allow us to walk you through the courses they offer so you can make up your mind.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much are cooking classes in SA?

The price of cooking classes in south Africa is R350

Is taking cooking classes worth it?

It is worth both your time and money

Can I learn to cook in a month?

It is possible, it depends on how fast you are

What is the salary of a chef in SA?

R109 per hour


For you to be good in South Africa, you have to do something different and that is what some of the schools we have mentioned here will teach you.

Here at DailyGamedu, we are always ready to give you the latest career schools in the world.

You can leave a comment below if you have any questions.

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