Education News

Can I Study Medicine, Nursing and Law in College of Education

It might sound funny when people ask the question “Can I Study Medicine, Nursing and Law in College of Education” but they are asking because they don’t know and we need to help them with a proper explanation.

Some candidates have inquired whether they can enrol in courses such as Law, Medicine, SLT, Business Administration, and Accounting at colleges of education. If you’re just starting, you should ask this question.

Candidates who have tried admissions before or who have a career may not need to inquire whether courses such as English, Nursing, Medicine, Marketing, Pharmacy, Engineering, and so on can be found or are offered at colleges of education near us.

If you fall into the first category, I’m here to shed some light on what courses you should and should not take at a college of education.

What is College of Education?

In Nigeria, a college of education is a type of higher education institution. Universities, Polytechnics, Innovation Enterprise Institutes (IEI), Colleges of Health Technology, and Nursing Schools are among the others.

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Colleges of Education are responsible for producing graduates who can teach in our secondary and primary schools.

They are awarded Nigeria Certificates in Education, which give graduates the qualifications to work as teachers, particularly at the primary level of Nigerian education.

Course To Study in College of Education

Colleges of education are NOT intended to train specialists other than teachers. As a result, you may be unable to study your preferred Microbiology, Biochemistry, Nutrition/Dietetics, and so on in college.

In other words, whatever course they provide is usually related to education. As a result, if they provide Mathematics, it will be in education. If they offer Biology, it will be in the field of education.

You might be thrown away by how colleges name their courses. In universities, for example, a student offering Chemistry education will say, “my course is Chemistry Education,” or “Education and Chemistry.” This is not the case in educational colleges.

Here it will look like Chemistry/ Physics, instead of using simple names English and Social studies, they will change it to English

While applying for admission, you may believe that all higher education institutions offer the same courses.

This is not correct. And you can only take education courses at the college of education. When you finish, you’re more likely to end up teaching, unless you want to cross over to some universities that still accept NCE graduates for non-education courses via direct entry admissions.

If you insist on studying Medicine, Nursing, Economics, or Accounting, you may need to check your options at any university or, in some cases, polytechnics.

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Can I Study Medicine, Nursing and Law in College of Education answer is totally No.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I study medicine at the college of education?

No, it is not possible to study medicine in the college of education

Which college of education offer nurses?

None of them can offer you nursing admission.

Which course is best for nursing?

You should rather go for Bsc in nursing, it is the best

Which course does education offer?

Every course except professional courses


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