Education News

Is GCE Harder Than WAEC?

Is GCE harder than WAEC? That’s one of the questions some students ask and that is one of the reasons why we have decided to address it.

So in this article, we are going to talk about some of the differences between the two examinations and we can decide which one is harder and which one is easier.

What is WAEC?

The full meaning of waec is simply, the  West African examination council, they have been in existence for a decade and have prepared the ground for a lot of west African students to study in university by giving them an exam which they will write to show they are qualified.

Students are meant to register and participate in the examination and it is paid.

What is GCE?

A general certificate in education is the full meaning of GCE and it is seen as an A’level or Advance level study.

They have equally been in existence buare t not as big as old as WAEC.

If you don’t wish to write waec you can choose to write GCE, they are almost the same.

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Nature of GCE and WAEC

Candidates should accept the fact that both exams are essentially the same. From the time of tests to the kind of questions and exam procedures, they adopt the same strategies.

  • The time for WAEC is always from is always around May/June while GCE is always from AUG/SEPT and another series by Jan/Fab
  • The twexaminationson is organized by WAEC BODY
  • Questions are set and written with paper including practical instead oa f real one
  • All examinations are written in an approved area (secondary school)

In as much as they have good similarities, they also have their differences.

Is GCE Harder Than WAEC?

One the big question, which one is easier to pass, is it waec or GCEbasedse on experience and from oun point of view, we are going to tell you what we think about the issue.

First, one of the reasons why the GCE was organized in the first place is to help some people who finished secondary school without a good result, so instead of going back to rewrite the exam, you will just carry register for GCE and get the same certificate.

The only difference is that WAEC is called O’Level while the GCE is better called A’Level or advanced level.

For someone that had done waec before, it will not be hard for them, if you are rewriting that same year but for those that have stayed long before going for the Exam, it might be hard for them.

In our former post, we talked about WAEC questions always being tricky even if it is simple people will always see them as hard questions.

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With all that said, it will be wise to say that GCE is harder than WAEC not minding the fact that WAEC I tricky.

GCE is always hard but also has the Same grading system as WAEC.


Ares GCE and WAEC the same thing?

GCE is mostly for private students and it is also organized by WAEC officials.

How can I pass GCE?

All you need to do is to read your book and you will be able to pass

Can I use GCE instead of WAEC?

YES, If you don’t have a  good waec grade, you can write GCE and use it instead of WAEC

What is GCE’s age?

From the age of 16, you should be able to try GCE and be accepted.

Finally, both examinations are organized by the same body, choose which one is better for you and applies.

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