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WAEC, NECO and NAPTEB Which is Better?

A lot of times I have received this kind of question like Waec Neco and NAPTEB which is better, that is why we need to talk about it.

This question doesn’t come direct, it starts with which is easier or harder between, Waec, Neco and NAPTEB.

So in this article, we have decided to use it and explain all these to you all as we are going to discuss each of the programs and also which is better.

To understand all these, you have to read this till the end and don’t forget to like and share.

As a student, we have sometimes to ask ourselves, why do we even write exams, why can’t we just stay, learn and graduate without writing anything called exams?

Well, they would like to know if you are understanding what you have been thought, that’s one of the major reasons why we write exams.

Exams, in general, are very hard and you need to read them and study before you can able to pass. The confusion most students get especially those in secondary school is, which of the exams to write so they can be able to enter the higher institution.

First, we must have in mind that WAEC, NECO and NABTEB are all the same and also use the same type of syllabus, the only difference between the three is that WAEC and NECO are written by secondary school students which will qualify them to leave secondary and apply to enter another university by writing Jamb and Post UTME.

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Before answering the question “which is better” the person who is asking must have completed the three tests and compared them. Or, at the very least, treated their previous inquiries to see if there is a difference.

However, in the past, WAEC has been known to be more devious in their question-setting methods. In other words, their questions may be more complex than those of NECO and NABTEB.

Based on experience, a lot of people have complained about how difficult Neco and NABTEB questions are and most of them would prefer Waec.

Well, Waec is widely recognized in the whole of west Africa because it is written for all west African students.

Between Waec, Neco and NABTEB which is Easier to Pass?

When we talk about which of the exams is easier to pass, from experience, The easier examination you can pass is the A level result which is Napteb and the hardest is Neco.

WAEC is always easy but their questions are always tricky.

From our point of view, if you want to write exams at that stage, it should be Waec/Neco, those two exams are the Same, you can use any of the results or you can combine the two to gain admission into the university.

NABTEB is an advanced level result and if you pass it you will also have a better chance of gaining admission into the university.


Is NAPTEB easier than Waec?

Yes, this is based on experience and research, waec makes their questions tricky and hard for people to guess but Napteb goes straight to the question and more understandable.

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Which one is better waec and Neco?

Waec by far is better than neco, the reason for this is because, with your Waec certificate you can study in any west African country but with your Neco result, you can also study in Nigeria.

Students are always advised to write both exams since it is possible to use the two for admission purposes, so if one did not work out the order should.

Is NAPTEB equivalent to Waec?

Yes, it is very very equivalent to Waec and you will also have an opportunity to be admitted into the university.

Is NAPTEB easy to pass?

According to the record, a lot of people pass NABTEB more than waec and Neco.

Finally, the three examinations are okay and all will give you access to be admitted into the university but when you talk about which one is better or easier, well you should go for the one that suits you better.

Here at DailyGamEdu, we would always bring this type of content to you.

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