Education News

Compulsory Subject For WAEC, NECO and NABTEB

Not everybody is aware of the compulsory subjects for Waec, Neco and Nabteb and it is important we let you know.

For those that are in secondary school and preparing to write their exams or register, you need to know these things and get yourself prepared.

Students are generally expected to write 9 subjects in WAEC and NECO. That is the most you can register for and sit for.

You can also write a minimum of 8 for each of the three exams. This means that you cannot register for subjects with a number less than eight except for WAEC GCE which allows a minimum of 7 subjects.

Even if there are circumstances in which you should try to register for 5 or 6 papers, such as if you only need to make up one or two deficiencies in your O’level. However, these exams do not permit it.

Only NABTEB allows you to write fewer subjects depending on what your centre allows or what you need as a technical or business student.

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Let’s now look at the subject combinations for students and we would divide this post into three.

1. Wace Subjects – Art, Science and Commerce

2. Neck Subjects – Art, Science and Commerce

3. NABTEB Subjects – Art, Science and Commerce

WAEC/NECO Compulsory Subject Combinations

Science Subjects

Chemistry, Physics, Biology, English, Mathematics we also have other optional subjects like Geography, Agric Science and Computer Science

Art Subjects

English, Mathematics, Literature, Government and optional ones like CRS, Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa, Economics, Islamic Religion etc

Commercial Subject

English, Mathematics, Business, Economics, Accounting and any other two or three.

NEBTEB Subject Combinations

Technical Students

English, Mathematics, literature in English, Physics, Chemistry and Economics (optional)

Business Students

Accounting, Cosmology, Building, Fishery and any other trading course

Some schools and ministries of education have recently made the writing of newly introduced subjects mandatory for WAEC and NECO candidates.

A student must choose three or four of these new subjects to add to his or her required eight or nine papers.

Take note that Some schools are now accepting admission for some of the subjects listed above, but not all.

Having said that, a candidate should look at the JAMB brochure to determine which schools accept them and for which courses.

You can choose any three or four of those subjects as optional subjects in addition to the main compulsory subjects I listed above.

This may be determined by what your school prefers or has a larger population for.

Most schools and state governments are making Civic Education mandatory for their students. As a result, WAEC added the subject to their list of available subjects for private candidates.

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We believe you will have to write Civic Education and one entrepreneurial/trade in the internal WAEC or NECO.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the minimum subject for Waec?

The minimum you can register is 8 but you can register 7 in Waec GCE.

How many subjects are required for NEBTEB?

At least 9.

What are compulsory subjects?

English language and Mathematics are the two most important for both science, art and commercial

Is Neco compulsory?

No, it is not compulsory but you must write it.


You don’t need to be concerned if your school has registered you for the mandatory subjects for you as a science, commercial, or art student.

In other words, once the subjects you need are registered, the other three or four may be irrelevant but need to register them to complete it 9

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