Christian Living

4 Things You Need To Do When Far From God, Mystery Revealed

Have you ever felt distant, disconnected, and disinterested in your spiritual life? You have no interest in Bible study, church, praying, fasting, or anything that has to do with the spiritual.

If you struggle to motivate yourself to spend time with God, always remember that you are not only the one on the list, these are the things you need to do when far from God

This feeling is normal, it happens to almost everybody no matter how spiritual you think you are, it doesn’t matter if you have been working with god for a long period. Remember this happen to David and some other great men of God in the Bible.

In this post, I have provided some important questions you will need to ask yourself about the reasons why you feel distant from God. Not only that, but I have also provided helpful tips that will get you back on track, so take up your glass of wine as we begin.

3 Great Questions You Need To Ask Yourself

As a believer who feels he or she has backslid from God’s presence, ask yourself these few questions.

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1. Am I still struggling around with sin for which I need to repent?

2. Am I still spending consistent and uninterrupted time with God?

3. Am I spending quality time with God’s people and into the power of the Christian community?

After asking yourself these questions above, read through the rest post to find a nice solution to your problem.

What Are The Things You Need To Do?

Set Up A Nice Schedule Or Pattern

Just in case you have forgotten your schedule, your timetable, that 4 o clock you designed as the time that you will be on your kneel to call upon the name of the lord.

Just in case you have abandoned the spiritual pattern that you established before, it is time you reschedule and set up a pattern as you carve out some moments of your time.

Repent From Any Sin You Are Toiling With

Think about how sin is affecting your life, and whether is it worth it, sin brings guilt and shame, and as well reduces your intimacy with God. Not only that, sins are like impurities that can lower your righteousness level.

Check Your Perspective, Follow Christian Communities 

Without people checking us, we won’t justify anything, without other people speaking into our lives, the ability for is to grow spiritually won’t be an easy task.

You need positive thoughts of God from Christian communities, you need to be motivated to do the things that will please God and as well draw you closer to him. It ought not to be only you and God, it ought to be you with other people and God.

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Don’t Forget Or Underate The Work Of Prayer

Prayer is never a waste of time, it is an investment, it is not getting God to do your will, it is you getting to do God’s will. It is the only way to release the supernatural in your life, your marriage, and your business as well. Prayer will show you mighty things you don’t know about and at last, it will finally draw you closer to God.

Get more prayer points, daily inspirational posts, and a pastor’s biography here at

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