Christian Living

Agape Love, Meaning And Other Myth You Should Know About Love

The word love has a lot of meanings and as well many uses, as a noun, it can mean a feeling or an action. As we all know that love can be used to express attention to a family or friends.

Among all these meanings of love, the most important thing is that we should love our neighbor as we love ourselves, we must not be selfish in love. 

Showing true love means we have to put the needs of others, we must show companionship, and good feelings, and have respect and trust for each other. 

In this article, we are going to explore more about love and as well we shall consider one special form of love called agape love. But before then, let us know the difference between love and feelings. 

Love and feelings

Most people often misquote love with feelings, the real meaning is not what it truly means. Love on its own as said above is an amazing feeling that can be expressed in various forms, it can be in form of words, gifts, or any other lovable items.

Well, it is not factual, giving gifts to someone does not guarantee true love. 

Feelings on the other hand are also synonymous to love, but as I said, they are actually two different words. Before you love someone, you must have feelings for the person.

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Feelings are also what keep a relationship going, sometimes in your relationship, you will feel tired and might lose interest and then decide to take a break or quit. Feelings are the law supporting this type of emotion. 

Type of love

We have lots of types of love and their various meaning, let’s get to know more about them one after the other.

Agape Love

What is agape love, what did it actually mean, and also can it be found in the scripture, let’s check to know below. According to Wikipedia, agape love is the highest among all forms of love.

This is the type of love that exists between God and man. It is also a type of love that exists between brothers and sisters.

Agape love

When the love you have for someone is termed agape, it means you can give things to them, and sacrifice your little time and energy and even your resources without expecting they will do the same to you or anything in return for the favor you have done. 

Signs You Have Agape Love

There is no need for panic, but if you love someone so much and you help them severally without expecting anything from them no matter how small it may be, then you have agape love for such a person. 

Is Agape Love The Same As An Obsession?

Following how we discussed agape love above, you will see it has no relationship with the meaning of obsession. You can love someone and still be obsessed with such a person though

When you are obsessed with someone, you fill your mind with them in a troubling manner and you might keep worrying or talking about the person. Obsession can lead to many troubles if not acted upon because the person you are obsessed with might not love you at all lol.

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It is good to love one another and support one another on various journeys on this planet earth.

That is why it is said that love, I mean true love is the greatest of all even if it is now scarce among Christian brethren. Agape and true love succeed above all forms of love that we have heard about. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions you might decide to know their meaning so let’s check out. 

What is cupboard love?

When you love someone gainfully, i.e you love a person just because of what you gain from such a person then it will be said that your love for such type of person is a cupboard love. 

What will I gain if I love someone?

Following the scripture, it is okay to love someone but make you do alongside with your peace. Just show love, you might not receive such type or energy of love back but just do show love, love is the highest. 

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