Christian Living

Ascension day – why do Christians celebrate it.

Ascension day - Why do Christians mark and Celebrate it

What is Ascension Day and why do Christians mark and celebrate it

Ascension Day is celebrated on May 10, but what happened on that Day and how is it honored?

According to the Christian religion, Ascension Day is typically marked as the 40th day after Easter Sunday and honors Jesus Christ’s ascending into heaven.

Jesus and his followers traveled to the Mountain (Mount of Olives), which is near Jerusalem, 40 days following his resurrection from crucifixion.
According to the Bible, Jesus promised the disciples that they would soon receive the Holy Spirit and instructed them strictly to stay. (praying and waiting on him) in Jerusalem until the holy Spirit arrived.

As he blessed them, he began ascending into heaven to assume his place at God’s right hand.

It is significant to Christians because it marks the end of Jesus’ mission on Earth and allows him to prepare a place for his disciples in heaven.
Only in the late fourth century did Ascension become a separate celebration.

It begins with a three-day march to beseech God’s compassion, and the feast itself involves a procession of torches and banners symbolizing Christ’s trek up the Mount of Olives and entrance into heaven, as well as an all-night vigil.

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The feast is observed by the Anglican Communion, but most Protestant churches have abandoned the practice.

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Ascension Day celebration

Because the date of Easter varies from year to year, so does the commemoration of the Ascension. It always falls on the forty-first day after Easter, and because Easter is always on a Sunday. Ascension Day is always on a Thursday; it is also referred to as “Holy Thursday.”

Ascension Day commemorates Christ’s ascension. He served as a servant on earth. He is now the king and Lord of all in heaven. By entering heaven as mankind’s representative, He accomplished the process of salvation and ensured the eventual exaltation of those who adore Him.

Jesus will return in the same manner in which He ascended into the clouds. Luke described the scene once more:

“And as He went up, two men in white clothes stood by them, saying, ‘Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in like fashion as you saw Him go up.”

Ascension day

How important is Jesus christ’s Ascension to heaven

  • The Spirit of the ascended and enthroned Christ is poured out on the church: sending the holy spirit. (John 16:7-16)
  • The ascended and enthroned Christ applies salvation’s blessings: Having completed redemption through his suffering on the cross, the raised and exalted Christ now applies the salvation he has earned by bestowing the gifts of repentance and forgiveness of sins.
  • As they bear witness to him, the ascended and enthroned Christ cares for his suffering people.
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FAQs (Frequently asked questions)

What is the meaning of Ascension Day?

It marked the conclusion of His earthly ministry. God the Father had sent His Son into the world in love at Bethlehem, and the Son was now returning to the Father. The era of human limitation had come to an end.

It represented His elevation by the Father (Ephesians 1:20-23). The One with whom the Father is pleased was honored and given a name above all names.

It enabled Him to make preparations for us (John 14:2).

What does Ascension Day symbolize in the Bible?

It signaled the start of Jesus’s new role as High Priest and Mediator of the New Covenant (Hebrews 9:15).

What is the significance of Jesus Christ’s ascension?

It demonstrates that Jesus truly conquered death; he was not risen to die again, but to live eternally.

On Ascension Day, what do we remember?

Christians are guaranteed a new life in Christ. The Resurrection and Ascension strengthen Christians’ trust in God.


Furthermore, the Ascension Feast is a time when Christians worship and celebrate Christ’s resurrection and ascension to heaven.

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