Christian Living

Ascension Day, Myth And Thing You Need To Know About Ascension

We have heard about the word ascension both in real life meaning and as well in the Bible. According to the dictionary on the internet, it means an act of rising to another higher level. As a verb, it means to rise or climb upward. 

Not only that but other valid definitions describe this term as the process of human beings, plants, and animals evolving into another higher form. Research shows that this process is believed to be a spiritual journey rather than death. 

Adding to what was said above about the definition of ascension, it can also come in another way. It means the period between when Jesus was gathered with his disciple and during the time of his resurrection, oh yeah, that is a Bible definition. 

But have we looked deep into what ascension means? We have only discussed the definition in real life, but how do we know more about it in the Bible, let us gain more knowledge, and let us know what brings about Ascension in the Bible. Now, take your glass cup of wine and follow me as we proceed. 

Ascension In The Bible, What You Need To Know

In Christianity, the term or word ascension means the act of someone or something rising to heaven. 

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 Christian ideas, mean the lifting up of the soul and body of a believer to the heavenly gate during the time of his death. 

Not only that, but religious research also found out that the term ascension is derived From a Jewish idea that the soul and spirits of a dead individual can be elevated to heaven. 

Haven’t read about the meaning of what ascension means in Biblical terms, now let us proceed to what this term means and who it was used for. 

Jesus Ascending And What You Need To Know

In Christianity, the Ascension refers to Jesus’s departure from Earth on his angelic horse, to return to heaven after his resurrection. It was prophesied in Mark 16:19 and Acts 1:9-11 that he would return in this way at some point in the future.

It should not be confused with the Assumption of Mary, which refers to her bodily assumption into heaven following her death.

The rising of Jesus Christ is the act or process of Jesus Christ going back to heaving after his death and resurrection.

It can also mean the return of Jesus Christ to the earth at the end of time. I.e the second coming of Jesus Christ. 

The rising of Christ Jesus shows a lot of powerful myths and a lot of great purposes. 

The ascension of Jesus Christ in the Bible is said to be celebrated around Easter, especially in April. It is done to commemorate and remember the ascension of the body of Jesus into heaven

What Does The Ascension Day Mean?

The Ascension is the reason why Jesus Christ ascended to Heaven and it is considered to be a great victory for Christianity. Ascension Day celebrates this victory and Christians celebrate it with prayers, singing, and fasting.

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As it is now, and in the summary of all we have just discussed, Ascension is a journey from earth (the base material) to heaven (the place where God dwells).


We have now learned about the term Ascension day, but will there be another ascension of Christ? 

Following the book of revelation, it was said that Christ will ascend for the second time which is the second coming of Jesus Christ. 

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