Christian Living

What it means to ask and you shall receive

What did Jesus mean when He stated, "Ask, and it shall be given to you"?

“Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened”? Understand the genuine biblical meaning and significance of this statement. Matthew 7:7

This verse implies that God will provide whatever is required for those who have the faith to ask for it.

What did Jesus mean when He stated, “Ask, and it shall be given to you”?

In John 16:24, Jesus said, “Ask, and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.” Statements similar to this one can be found in Matthew 7:7, Luke 11:9, and John 15:7. Is this a blanket guarantee with no strings attached? Is God required to provide us with three hundred pounds of chocolate delivered to our door? Or should Jesus’ remarks be interpreted in light of other revelations?

According to Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, whoever asks receives, whoever seeks finds, and whoever knocks will find an open door (Matthew 7:7–8). But, as with other verses, we must consider the context.

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Jesus goes on to emphasize that God will not fail to provide excellent things for his children (verse 11). So, one condition of the promise of “ask and get” is that what we ask for is good in God’s judgment.

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God will give his children beneficial gifts; he will not give us terrible or harmful things, no matter how much we beg for them. According to Luke 11:13, the Holy Spirit is the best example of a good gift.

How do I go about asking and receiving from God?

Ask God for exactly what you want.

Tell God what you desire or need, and then ask Him to provide it. Make your request as specific as possible. God knows what you desire and need, but He wants you to ask Him for it.

God can answer nonspecific petitions, but being particular strengthens your relationship with Him.

What Can I Do to Get God’s Answers?

Receiving personal revelation

Receiving personal revelation for our lives is a humbling event. As God’s children, we have the opportunity to speak directly to Him and receive answers via the power of the Holy Spirit.

Examine your point of Prayer and be specific.

Sometimes I believe that God will simply reveal Himself to me since it is evident that I require His assistance and guidance in my life. But I sometimes forget to specifically request it.

Exercise Serious Reflection

Serious meditation follows revelation.
Prayer and spirituality involve heavy concentration and focus, so make sure your prayers are deliberate and sincere.

Other Bible Verses About ‘Ask and You Will Receive

Mark 11:24, Matthew 21:22, James 4:3, John 14:13-14, John 15:7, John 16:24, Luke 11:13


Even with its stipulations, the promise of “ask and receive” can never fail to provide. There is no possibility of everything we require not being in God’s will.

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He pledges to provide for our needs if we “seek first his kingdom and his righteousness” (Matthew 6:33). Of course, what we desire is not usually what we require.

We don’t want to receive what we want if it isn’t in God’s will. God knows what is best for us and is loyal and kind in saying “no” to selfish and dumb prayers, regardless of how badly we want what we’re asking for.

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