
5 Bad Praying Habits You Must Stop in 2022

Bad Praying Habits

It might interest you to find out that many Christians actually practise many bad praying habits; which form a major reason why they don’t receive answers to their prayers. While I sympathize with them, I am very keen on helping them identify and stop practising them.

And, if you happen to be one of such christians who have been engaging in such bad acts, it is high time you stopped them because they are strong blockages to your blessings when you pray.

Without much talk, what are these bad praying habits you must stop in 2022?

Top 5 Bad Praying Habits to Avoid

If you are found culpable of any of the following acts, you should be ashamed of yourself. No, I don’t blame you. I mean, you should stop them immediately!

1. Blabbling while Praying

Are you a blabbermouth? If yes, I’m sorry, this trait will do you no good service while praying. Ordinarily, you know how annoying and nauseating blabbling is in everyday conversation. In fact, people do not take those who blab seriously, much more, God who says that all things must be done decently and in order.

Therefore, blabbling is a bad praying habit you must put in check if you want to offer efficient prayers that attract blessings from God.

2. Unnecessary Repetitions of Prayers

Another bad praying habits to avoid is repetitions of the same words or phrases. This practice is a very strong blockage to answers. According to the teaching of Jesus Christ in Matthew Chapter 6 verses 7, the Bible informs us that “when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think they shall be heard for their much speaking.” (Kjv)

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The point is, repeating the same prayers over and over again or praying for longer hours does not necessarily attract God’s blessings. Instead, God answers those who are more straightforward and intentional while praying.

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3. Praying with Pride

You cannot pray to God with pride in your heart and expect results. No, it doesn’t happen that way. Remember the story of the pharisee and the publican who went to pray in the temple? The Bible says that the publican went home justified rather than the proud, religious pharisee who was too full of himself.

One truth is, no one is too big before God, no matter how big their title or resources is. What God expects from everyone is total submission when they pray. Even Solomon, despite his wealth was recorded as praying with knees bent and hands spread up to heaven (1 Kings 8:54).

In order not to come badly like the pharisee, you must listen to the advice in James 4 verse 6 which says that God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. So, to have a right praying etiquette, you must do away with all forms of pride and self exaltation.

4. Allowing Distractions

What did Jesus do to those who bought and sold in the temple? Of course, he chased them out! This clearly demonstrates how God is pissed off at your lack of concentration while praying.

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Your own form of distraction could be chatting or pressing your phone while praying. Or you are just easily distracted by other people. I ask, what then is the essence of closing our eyes when we pray, is it not to avoid possible distractions?

Whatever your source of distraction is, lack of concentration remains a bad praying habit you must stop, because it only shows that you do honour God’s presence.

5. Praying Casually

I mean, were you forced to pray in the first place? What is the point in saying prayers that you don’t even believe in? At least, add a little bit of passion to your prayers and be intentional about them. Even the Bible says “the effectual fervent prayer of a righteousman availeth much” (James 5:16).

Do not, however, mistake the phrase, fervent prayer for unnecessary aggression. Displaying gymnastics or using gimmicks to pray does not mean your prayers will reach heaven. You are only told to confess your prayer points with some amount of seriousness and faith, period!

Those are the 5 bad praying habits you should stop in 2022. Have you identified yours? You better do.

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