Men of God

Did Pastor Adeboye Come From A Poor Family? See Full Biography Here

Who is Pastor Adeboye? Well, we are going to discuss the biography of this great man of God that most people recognize, We will look deeply into the biography of Pastor Enoch Adehare Adeboye, who came from a poor and humble family, how he started his career, his family, Education, impacts on people’s lives and then his total net worth as at 2022. Now, take a glass of drink and follow me as I go deeper 

Who is Pastor Enoch Adeboye 

If am not mistaken, most of us should have heard about this great man of God in one way or the other.

His positive impacts on people’s lives, his act of giving and his contribution to Christian life.

Pastor Adeboye is the general overseer of the redeemed Christian church of God( RCCG). He was born in the year 1942, 2nd of march to be precise. He started his elementary school at Ilesha grammar school in osun state.

How Did Pastor E.A Adeboye Started His Career 

This great man of God was known to be a lecturer at the University of Lagos( UNILAG), but before then, he completed his first degree at Obafemi Awolowo University ( OAU) where he studied pure mathematics

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After then he obtained a PhD in applied mathematics at the university of Lagos where he finally becomes a professor of mathematics. 

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Family Of  Pastor Enoch Adeboye

Pastor Adeboye was happily married to Foluke Adeboye and they are blessed with four kids, it is painful they lost one of their kids last year but they are currently blessed with 3 kids as of now. 

How Was Pastor Enoch Adeboye Elected A General Overseer? 

Well, it said that he was not the main founder of the church, the church was initially created by a man of God known as pastor Emmanuel Akindayomi before he handed the position to adeboye following God’s instructions.

It was said that it was during a church meeting that pastor adeboye was handed a general overseer position. 

How Pastor E. A had grown this church to a well-known church, he has installed many facilities and jobs, and he had grown the church into millions of followers both offline and online, following his vision to plant churches every 5 min walking distance in each state, he has achieved a lot, he has close to 24,000 churches across 196 countries. His camp in Lagos is known to be one of the biggest auditoriums in Africa. 

Net- Worth Of Pastor Enoch Adeboye

Adeboye has lots of investments, he has several private jets and aeroplanes as well, one of his investments known as Emmanuel park in Lagos is estimated to be a 25billion naira, and he also has a Redeemer University, a private one located in Lagos.

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He is indeed a wealthy man and his net – worth is found to be around 55 million dollars as at 2022

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