Bible StudyChristian Living

Books Of The Bible, Get Explanations About The Old Testaments Of The Bible

We are all familiar with the bible and its importance in every Christian life, we must dedicate our time to study these scripture and there is a lot to gain from it. 

It is said in the bible that the word of God is sharper than two edge sword which means the books of the bible are one of the greatest things you can ever have. 

It is also said in the bible that The word of God is God himself and he said that heaven and earth will pass away but his words in the bible will still remain. 

There are lots of myths surrounding the bible, but our main concern is to check on the books of the bible and explain some terms about them.

Books Of The Bible

The Bible is very large and filled with different words, it is extricated that the total words in a bible is up to 650,000 ranging from the Old Testament to the New Testament. Now, what are the books of the bible, let’s check them below.

The Book Of Genesis

Genesis is the first chapter of the bible, it is used to show how heaven and earth were made by God from day 1st to day 6 which he later rest on the 7th day. 

There are many other stories in Genesis, the stories of Adam and how he eat the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden are also shown there.

The Book Of Exodus

This is also a great chapter and book of the bible that is used to show the relationship between God and the children of Israel when he saved them from slavery in the land of Egypt.

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In this chapter and book of the Bible, the Israelites receive instructions from God on how they are going to worship and serve him.


The children of Israel were punished in the wilderness for good 40 years because of their lack of obedience and inability to trust God.

The Book Of Deuteronomy 

This chapter Of the bible is all about Moses and the children of Israel when he gave them instructions and train them on how there are going to love God and obey his name in the land of promise. 


Moses could not get the children of Israel to the promised land due to his action against God where he struck the rod twice with anger.

Joshua was the newly appointed man of God that finally lead the children of Israel to the promised land.

In the first section of this book, we have the Jericho fall, the sun stood still by the apostle of God, and many other interesting stories to learn. 


The children of Israel enters a difficult situation to the extent they want to turn away from God but he sent his leaders to come their way and rescue them all. 

The Book Of Ruth

This is the chapter where the great king David was born, it is where hope begins for the children of Israel.

1st Samuel 

In this chapter of the Bible, the children of Israel demand a king which turns out to be a disappointment to them all. 

2nd Samuel

In this chapter, David who was known to be the man after God’s heart was made the king of Israel.

1st king

This is where the reign of Solomon begins which brings peace and prosperity to the children of Israel but afterward spilled in which the two king presents backslide from God almighty. 

2nd king

Both kings in this chapter of the bible ignore God’s words to the extent that they fell into captivity with other denominations of the word or neighboring countries. 

1st Chronicles

This chapter in the Old Testament of the Bible is used to gather a brief history from Adam in the book of Genesis to David. 

2nd Chronicles

The son of David who goes by the name Solomon built a temple of God but after several years of turning away from God, the temple was destroyed by the Babylonians.

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The Book Of Ezra

In this chapter, the children of Israel once again build the temple of God and a scribe named Ezra who teaches them how to be obedient to God’s words. 


When the wall around the city of Jerusalem is in bad shape, Nehemiah the great prophet repaired and built a wall around the city. 

The Book Of Esther 

Someone plans to bring about the extinction of the children of Israel but the plan did not work out how it seems to.

The Book Of Job

Job who is a great man of God and someone who believed in God was tempted by satan and had all posses to go from top to bottom, after the trial, God intervene and restored what he had lost and he did it in abundance. 


Psalm is a great chapter of the bible, it is filled with lots of prayers and 150 songs that the children of Israel sang to God in heaven.


This book of the bible was written by the wise king Solomon and other wise men in the bible to help people with wise decisions. It is a book that is filled with the word of wisdom. 


As a Christian brethren, reading and studying the scriptures is very important and paramount.
God said that his word which is the bible is sharper than 2 edges sword. This shows how great the books of the bible is.

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