Christian Living

Christian Encouragement, Ways And How You Can Help Your Fellow Christian

Encouraging people to do things, giving them hope, lifting their spirits, raising their faith and lots more, is this only what encouragement means? Well, it is not. Let us look deeper into what this word means.

What Is Encouragement

 According to a direct google search, encouragement is the action or act of rendering one a support, lifting their confidence level or giving them positive hopes.

Encouragement also means the act of trying to stimulate the development of an activity, state or belief. It can come in several ways, in form of a message, a quote, using someone else and a lot more.

Encouragement In Christian Meaning

Well, we have discussed what is encouragement in more than two important meanings in this article above, but we are going to discuss strictly what Encouragement is in Christian living.

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Some people called themself a true believer and Christian but looking into things they do and the characters they exhibit, you will find out that they have no atom of positive character.

Some will even see their fellow Christians going through a lot but they won’t even mind rendering help which can be in form of advice, teaching and motivational quotes, everything is not money.

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Most individuals claim they don’t know ways in which they can help their other individual while some just possess negative habits, well below, I will explain ways and how you can encourage your fellow Christian. Take a cup of wine and let go

Ways And How To Encourage Christian

As we discussed earlier, helping or encouraging  your fellow Christian can come in many ways, let’s go through them one by one as we list them below

1.  Dishing Out Spiritual Advice

Spiritual advice can come in several forms, you can assist them with the word of God, Motivational quotes picking references from the Bible and prayers will also go a long way in assisting them.

2.  Helping With Cash Or Funds

Giving your fellow Christian some money to assist them can go a long way in encouraging things in their life to move positively, you can support them in their business, finances, and family needs, well, this depends on your financial capacity.

Take this advice, don’t do more than yourself in helping your fellow Christian, the Bible say ”givers never lack” but you need to do everything in your capacity, doing beyond your capacity can cause severe problem to your health and wellbeing.

3.  Assisting With Food, Clothes Or Shelter

It is not a new thing that food, cloth and shelter are the three most essential needs everyone needs for survival, as a Christian, you can assist your fellow friend with either one or two of these, it will go a long way.

4.  Giving Christian Pieces Of Prayer Points

Apart from spiritual assistance, prayers are the main key to opening doors, it is even said in the Bible that prayer is the master key

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As a good Christian, you can encourage your fellow by joining them in prayers physically or by texting them prayer points with Bible references. All these will make you live a good and godly life. 

Frequently Asked Questions On Christian Encouragement

1. Will God bless you if you encourage your fellow Christian? Yes God will bless you. Just as it is written in the Bible that givers never lack, you will not lack

2. What will I gain in helping others with prayers? Yes! You will gain a lot, you will gain the habit of prayer and you will not be weak in praying. You will be rooted in God’s presence

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