Christian Living

Demonic Possession, Signs, Causes And How To Be Free

What do we mean by possession? Well, let’s start by knowing what possession means before we will dive deep into some other aspects of possession, e.g the spiritual such as Demonic possession.

In this article, as we said above, we are going to thoroughly examine and explain what we mean by demonic possessions, their type, signs, and how one can be free from this wicked and unhealthy possession. Now, take a glass cup of wine and follow me as we check them out.

What Is Demonic Possession

Having gone to various crusades where deliverances were made, the things that are shown by individuals, the words that they speak from their mouth, shows us that they are heavily possessed by demonic and spiritual power.

This power can change your life negatively, both physically, emotionally, and mentally. This spirit will possess your body and soul and will control virtually everything in your life. All demonic powers are evil, there is nothing like a good demon.

Wikipedia, also defined demonic possession as Possession by spirits, ghosts, demons, or gods in a state of awareness and related behaviors attributed to the control of a human body by spirits, ghosts, demons, or gods.

We can also include Bible examples as we have heard about lots of demons that possessed various individuals, some were even possessed by more than one demon. Does demonic possession come in various forms? Well, let’s check below for more facts.

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Type Of Demonic  Possession

let’s look into various types and examples of demonic power possessing various individuals, let us take them slow and steady.

Spirit Of Lying

Lying may be a sign of one being possessed by a demon or it might just be a normal habit one exhibits.

Well, we all know how dangerous and bad it is to be fully known for lies, you will lose trust and no one will want to believe you again even if the issue is a major and important issue.

As said earlier in this article that demons control the minds of people, most people living on this planet earth do not lie but due to one reason or the other, they came across the demonic spirit which prompts them into lying always.

Seducing Spirit And Doctrine Of The Devil

This is also a very bad habit, the spirit of seduction can render you useless and turn your life in a direction that you might find hard to recover from.

This spirit can lure you into several forms of immorality such as adultery and fornication. This spirit cannot allow you to cling to a certain individual or one partner.

Demonic possession

Apart from rendering your life useless, this spirit can also allow you to contact deadly venereal diseases in the act of fornicating from one individual to another.

Possession Caused By The Spirit Of Immorality

Hmmm, studies and research shows that the spirit of immoralities is the commonest among all other forms of Demonic Possession.

This Bad spirit can also affect your life negatively, causing severe issues in your life, your marriage, your friends, colleagues, and even acquaintances.

Negative Spirits And Spirits Of Wickedness

Spirit of wickedness cannot also be left out, we all know wickedness on its own is a taboo among tribes and also among Christian brethren.

Wickedness will prompt you to do things that are against your standard, against the government, and against the law, wickedness can make you to even kill your fellow friend or do one or two acts that are very deadly among your others.

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Demonic Water Spirit From Marine Kingdom

Lastly, possession from the marine kingdom is also very demonic, and apart from that, they also deal with wickedness and they are very hard to heed to deliverances.

They lure boys and girls, old and young, taking their glory, initiating them into wickedness, and also allowing them to serve the mermaid which is their god.

Signs Of Demonic Possession

Although, there might not be an actual sign for you to know you have been possessed by an evil spirit. Your behavior and habits to people will show you are not yourself and you are under demonic spirits.

The demons take control over you so you might not know what is going on in your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I know that I am Possessed?

Well, as I said earlier in this post, your negative attitude and the behavioral pattern will show if you have been possessed or not.

2. How can I be free from Demonic Powers?

God said in the Bible that he has given us the power to tremble upon principalities and powers. You don’t need to fear, you just have to pray, you can also go for deliverances in church crusades or a powerful pastor will help.

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