Christian Living

Elijah In The Bible And Important Things You Need To Know About This Prophet

Elijah in the bible, who is he? The word Elijah is a very prominent word that is used both in the Bible and in real-life applications, especially during worship and prayer sessions. 

This great word refers to a great man of God who was a prophet and the most important of the prophets of Israel, it s also mentioned in the Quran. Elijah in English interpretation means “The Lord Is My God” 

More Details About This Great Prophet

This great prophet of God has his stories to appears in the books of 1st and 2nd kings the most. Not only that but he was mentioned both in the old and new Testaments of the Bible. 

Elijah was seen to be a biblical figure because he was one of the few prophets that survive after a long period of drought in the land.

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Not only that, but the name of this great man of God also means “My God is Yahweh

How Popular Was Elijah In The Bible

As said earlier in this article, this great prophet of God was so popular in the sight of Christian brethren and even unbelievers. He has done a lot of spiritual works and he performed some wonderful miracles. 

Miracles That Were Performed By Elijah 

As written in the scripture, this prophet Of God performed several wonderful miracles. Prepare yourself, take your glass cup of wine, and read through below. 

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Confronting And Making Jest Of Baal

As a Christian brethren, you must have heard about this popular story or read it in the Scripture. This was seen after the Israelites underwent a judgment for straight 3 years because of their Idolatry. 

It was recorded that during this period, water was scarce and there was no drop of rain. 

This got to a time when the prophet of God Elijah stood up against the reigning and wicked king who was on the throne during this period.

It was found that the king which is known as Ahab is an idol worshiper and together with his servants or folk, they worship an idol known as Baal. 

The Prophet Of God went to challenge the king and told him to gather up to 450 men while Elijah also gathered the same and they went to mount Carmel for the feast.

Calling Down Fire From The Heaven

The prophet of God said to the king that both of them should call on their God and see the one that will bring down fire to the logged woods. 

The king and his people obeyed, they chanted, shouted, and sang to their god to the extent they started piercing themselves with their swords but yet their idol Baal remained silent. 

After all, Elijah the prophet of God sang praises and called upon the name of the lord to bring down fire from heaven and prove himself as the real God. 

It was recorded that a heavy fire came down from heaven and burned the woods, proving to the Israelites that the God in heaven is the true God. 

Bringing Happiness To The Widow Of Zarephath

This is also one popular miracle that was done by Elijah, this was a story of how the prophet of God helped this woman to increase her faith and also cure the illness of her son when the land was full of famine.

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Initially, the widow received Elijah as a guest and gave him her little bread and oil which was left with a little faith. Elijah in turn blessed her, make her faith stronger in the lord, and as well heal the sickness of her only son. 

Death And Departure Of Elijah

It was recorded that Elisha was among the being who did not witness death throughout their staying on earth. 

It was written in the book of 2nd kings chapter 2 that Elijah and Elisha were walking together in the wilderness when a wind of fire came from heaven to separate them, taking Elijah to heaven and leaving Elisha on earth. 


With all you have read in this article, you will surely find out that Elijah is indeed a great and wonderful prophet of God. 

This prophet of God is very fervent and he is always found following God’s instructions and doing his wills as well. 

After Enoch in the Bible, it was recorded that Elijah also did not die but ascended to heaven while still alive. 

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