
Ember Months Prayers for 2022

Ember Months Prayer Points

Here, you will find the 2022 ember months prayers that you should include in your prayer points.

You will agree that the ember months, starting from September to December, are notorious for bad events. They are rough times, and they come with a lot of anxieties.

This is because satan and wicked people see these periods as the perfect time to join forces together and create unpleasant situations for people.

Imagine losing a child, job, or house when the year has almost ended. It crushes you completely and makes you a loser. That is what the devil does at this time of the year, to steal people’s joy and replace it with tears and bitterness.

But, as a child of God, you can overcome all the strategies of the wicked against your life throughout the 2022 ember months, when you pray.

Now, let’s look at the ember months prayers that you should not play with in 2022.

Reasons for 2022 Ember Months Prayers

  • First things first, start by thanking God for the gift of life. It is not by your strength or doings that you are able to live through January to August. And now, you are witnessing the ember months. Don’t you think that God deserves the praises, glory, honour and adoration? He watched over your life and preserved you from wicked people.
  • You also need to thank God for the past blessings that he has showered upon you and your family. It can only be God, who blesses the work of His hands with their daily needs.
  • You are still thanking God because He always answers prayers. And it is with this confidence that you know that when you pray today, He will grant all your prayer requests for the ember months.
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Ember months prayer points

At this juncture, you need to put away every form of distraction and concentrate fully. Again, you should add faith to your prayers because only those who believe in the powers of prayers get answers to their requests.

Let us pray!

  1.  Because the days are full of evil, it is important to pray for divine protection throughout the ember months. Say “father let your protection be upon my life and my family. Do not allow any calamity to befall me for the rest of the year in Jesus name!”
  2. Now, you want to pray that God should deliver you from every evil eye and scatter every demonic agent planning destruction together with their cohorts against your life. Pray that the Holy Ghost fire should consume them, and burn them ashes!.
  3. Add that God will make your enemies bow before you throughout the 2022 ember months. Pray, by claiming dominion over them now!
  4. Pray now that every good thing that you desire and your hand has not reached, that God should let them come to you before the year comes to an end. That God should multiply His blessings over your life, and make you prosper in all your ways throughout the ember months of 2022.
  5. The Bible says, “arise, shine. For the glory of God is risen upon you.” So make a confession of faith today, and pray that Father! Let my life radiate the glory of God for the rest of the year. When your light shines so brightly, you will become a wonder to Satan and those around you. So pray that darkness will not be able to comprehend your light in the coming months.
  6. This prayer point is important, and that, God, let me live the rest of the year in good health. Pray in the name of Jesus that you will not have any sickness whatsoever, and you will not spend the ember months in the hospital.
  7. Thank God because he has answered your prayers! Then, conclude your prayers with songs of praise.
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I have no doubt in my heart that these 2022 ember months prayers that you just offered to God will be answered. What about you? Please, the prayer doesn’t stop here. Repeat these ember months prayer points every day. God will answer you!

For more tips on prayers, Dailygam is your best plug. Keep visiting our website!

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