Christian Living

Evangelism, Benefits, Purpose And Why We Need To Do It

We have heard about Evangelism and how popular this term is, both biblically and in the real world. But now, it saddens me that people often mistook this word. They don’t do what this term seems or teach us to do.  Some even go out, evangelizing just to bring more people to their churches so as to increase their revenue. 

It is just very sad how pastors and brethren in the church are taking this term for granted, not doing it according to God’s will. Well, in this article today, we are going to dissect a lot of headings concerning evangelism. 

We are going to check its biblical meaning, its importance, ways and how to do proper evangelism, God’s promise towards evangelism, and lots more will be shown below. Now, take a glass cup of wine and follow me as I proceed. 

Meaning Of Evangelism 

Evangelism is the act or process of attempting to convert others to a specific point of view, belief, or religion. It can also be defined as an attempt to persuade someone about a particular product, service, or idea.

This term is also known as preaching and convincing someone to participate in one idea or the other. Evangelists are those who are trying to convince others about something.

As an evangelist, what are the qualities you must possess? The answer is here. There are lots of qualities you must possess but the serious one you must possess is the ability or capacity to communicate your ideas in a good manner and also in an effective way. 

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Not only that but They should have an understanding of what it takes for people to be convinced by their message and they should be able to communicate it interestingly and engagingly so that people will want to listen.

Evangelism In Christianity Definition

In Christianity’s definition, Evangelism is a term that is often used in the Christian church to describe the act of spreading the word of Christianity. 

Evangelists are people who have devoted their lives to sharing their faith with others and persuading them to join their religion.

Adding to what is said above, evangelism can also be used outside of Christianity, but it’s not as common. It can be used to describe any person or group that tries to persuade others to adopt a particular philosophy or ideology. 

What God Said About Evangelism

With what was written above, and also in the biblical view, I and you are commanded by God to go into the world and to preach the gospel, bringing souls to Christ, winning souls to fulfill God’s purpose and lead sinners towards Christ Jesus for salvation. 

This is what we must do, it is part of our daily bread, it is among our purpose and God’s purpose for creating and bringing us into this world and therefore we must not return without fulfilling the purpose Of God in our lives. 

Ways And How To Evangelize 

As Christian brethren and church members, pastors, and deacons not left out, we must preach the word of God to various nations and individuals. 

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There are many ways in which we can achieve this, we can preach the gospel through social media, television, news tv, magazine, and more ways in which we can do so. We can also go out in groups and preach the gospel of Christ Jesus. 

Importance Of Evangelism

Preaching the gospel will help you to be relevant in God’s presence. And not only that, but you will also receive the promise of God on those who win souls for him. 

Preaching the word of Christ Jesus will also help you publicly, by increasing your integrity and public speaking as well. 


Having read what has been explained above, we have seen how great it is and the promise that follows those who win souls for Christ Jesus.

I urge all youths and Christian brethren to look for one way or the other, during holidays or when less busy to go out, preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, and win souls for him. 

I pray as we follow God’s commandment, may he bless us, provide for us and give us the courage to do so in Jesus’ name,  Amen. 

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