Christian Living

God’s Mercy, Meaning, Ways And How You Can Obtain It

Mercy is one prominent word that can mean a lot, in one way or another, you can define mercy as the act of being compassionate and lenient towards something. 

Forgiving people, being generous and calm, and showing kindness can be shown to be an attribute of mercy or a merciful being. 

This is not where it ends as this great term also means a strong affection or what we know as true love being demonstrated or shown. 

Mercy can be defined as a feeling of pity and sorrow for someone who is suffering, or as an act of kindness to lessen someone’s distress. 

Mercy can also be seen as a gift from God, which can come in the form of forgiveness for sins or the granting of relief from pain and suffering.

Relationship Between Mercy And Grace

Mercy and grace almost sounded the same way and it seems both have something in common. Grace can be from someone but it is known to ultimately come from God. 

Grace is a spiritual and divine gift and unmerited favor from God to those who don’t think or who do not meet up to God’s grace requirements. 

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For God to have grace on you, means he has shown you his great love and also clemency. 

With these little points or clarification above, you would have seen that there is a difference between these two terms. 

Examples Of People Who Received And Witness God’s Mercy In The Bible

As recorded in the Bible, a lot of people and prophets have merit and receive God’s mercy and even his unmerited grace. 

David, when he killed the giant Goliath received God’s mercy, Hannah who was barren in the bible also received God’s mercy, and Daniel in the lion’s den also received his mercy.

It does not end there as the three Hebrews that were cast into the lake of fire and an angel appear also received God’s mercy. 

The story of how God saved the children of Israel from the captivity of King Pharaoh of Egypt has also shown how great the mercy of God is.

How And Ways To Obtain The Mercy Of God Almighty

There are ways you can obtain the mercy of God, doing his will, following and obeying his commandments, and taking him as your God and personal savior will allow you to obtain God’s mercy. 

Not only that as there are other ways you can obtain mercy, it was shown in the Bible that if you show mercy to your fellow one, the mercy of God will also follow you as you journey through planet earth.

It might be hard for you to follow God’s instructions but it is a must you need to do it and witness the abundant blessings God almighty will shower on you. 

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Having read all the ways discussed above concerning mercy and even as well as grace, you will find out that they are what you need to survive both physically and spiritually on this planet called earth. 

So as Christian brethren, obey God, follow his instructions and do his wills and watch how his unmerited mercy will locate you.

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