Christian Living

He Is Risen, What Is The Meaning Of This Term And Who It Is Used For

As a Christian brethren, you might have heard the phrase “he is risen” or he has risen times without number. But do you know that there is more meaning to this phrase? In this article, you will find out the mystery that surrounds this phrase, what it means, and who is it used for. 

Before then, the word rise has a connection with the word risen. Both can mean the same thing but there is still a slight difference between the two terms.

Just quickly below, let us know more about this monosyllabic word known as rise

Meaning Of The Term Rise

The term rise is used to show the context of rising to fame, power, or authority. It is often used to show someone who is lifted or has risen above their friend or peers in many aspects and ramifications of life. 

Rising can be used to refer to a lot of things, an increase in the level of things, such as an increase in temperature during boiling, a change in political power to high authority, or a change or position of a person’s status such as rising from poverty to riches. 

As said above, being risen can as well mean a different thing, it can mean to be born as a newborn baby or to rise in rank.

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In another word, to be risen can mean to be accepted into heaven. When you are risen, you are said to be in the comparison of God and all this who have gained salvation or have been saved by him. 

A rise from one position to the other can take some energy or much work for example if you want to achieve something meaningful, you have to be focused and do a lot of hard work, you will have to pass through pains so as to reach your desired goals at the end. 

Just as to rise, to be the reason is not always easy as well, this process can involve a lot of self-reflection and introspection. Some people might need to be raised from the dead before they are said to have risen. 

Having known the distinct difference between rising and he is risen, let us know what the term he is risen means in the Bible and who it is used for. 

Meaning Of He Is Risen In the Bible

The popular phrase he is risen is an event in the center of the Christian faith to show the resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

This term can also be translated as he has risen which many people know about or he lives in which many choirs have sung some songs.

This popular term appears in the book of mark chapter 16 verse 6 showing the resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

What Day Is Used To Show He Is Risen

In Christian living or culture today, the term he is risen has become so popular and powerful that it is used to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ that occurred on Sunday, 8th of April 33AD to be precise. 

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Hymn That Is Used To Show That He Is Reason

There are many songs that are sung to Jesus Christ during a celebration, he is risen, the son of God our savior and our lord, hallelujah, hallelujah, Christ our God is risen from the dead.

The Rise Of Jesus Christ And It benefits To Us

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is used to show us that Jesus died and arose on the third day as he promised his children. It is a source of hope and peace for all Christians who believe in Jesus Christ. 

Since he has aroused from the dead and is with God in heaven, it means he has overcome death and he will give eternal life to those who believe in him and do his commandments. 


As Jesus Christ has risen, it is our responsibility to celebrate and mark the day of his resurrection which is usually done around early April and is popularly marked as Easter day then after which is Palm Sunday. 

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