Christian Living

Is Masturbation a Sin In The Bible?

Is Masturbation a Sin In The Bible?

Masturbation is defined as the act of sexually stimulating oneself. Typically, this involves the use of pornography or anything else that comes to mind. Both men and women may develop this behavior. It’s mostly a visual imaging thing for guys; gals may struggle with pictures or erotic novels.

First and foremost, please know that you are not the only one who has done it or has made it a practice of doing it. Masturbation is far more prevalent than you might imagine, but no one wants to talk about it because it’s one of those “things” we keep hidden about ourselves. Nobody wants to acknowledge it.

Masturbation, to be clear, is an act of quick gratification. It is the absolute opposite of the word “self-control” taught in the Bible. Self-control is a gift from God and a fruit of the Spirit; it is independence from our passions (Galatians 5:22-23).

View about masturbation by different Christian faiths.

Masturbation is viewed differently in many faiths around the world. Some religions consider it a spiritually harmful behavior, while others do not, while others take a situational approach. Masturbation is permissible in some of these latter religions if used to achieve sexual self-control or as part of healthy self-exploration.

However, they will not accept it if it is done for bad reasons or as an addiction. Masturbation, for example, is seen differently by different Christian groups.

It is now considered a sin by Roman Catholics (including Eastern Catholics), Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and certain Protestant Christians. Masturbation is not considered a sin by Protestant churches in Northern and Western Europe, as well as by several Protestant churches in Northern America and Australia/New Zealand.

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What does the bible say about it?

There is an Old Testament story that is often believed to be about masturbation. In Genesis 38:9-10, the narrative of Onan is told. Some mention how God put him to death because he would “waste the semen on the earth.” However, if you look at the context of the tale, you will notice that this is not exactly what it states.

God did not kill Onan for “wasting the semen.” Onan had an obligation to assist his widowed sister-in-law in conceiving an heir, but he refused selfishly since he knew the kid would not be his. So the punishment was not for masturbating, but for failing to fulfill a family responsibility.

Matthew 5:27-30 is another Bible text that is occasionally used to “prove” that masturbation is a sin. “If your right-hand causes you to transgress, chop it off and throw it away,” Jesus says after talking about preventing sexual thoughts. Okay, fine. Although there appears to be a link between hands and masturbation, it is highly improbable that Jesus was referring to masturbation.

He was describing how we sometimes have to resort to severe measures to save ourselves from sin. (However, no limbs should be severed.)

Is Masturbation a Sin?

According to Ephesians 5:3, “there must not be even a suggestion of sexual immorality or of any type of impurity among you.” When we consider how we must conjure up or seek out sexual stimuli in order to masturbate, it’s simple to understand how we can fail the purity test.

Masturbation or what we do to be sexually excited glorifies God (1 Corinthians 10:31)? If you aren’t completely confident that what you’re doing is something God would approve of, it’s probably a sin (Romans 14:23).

Also, keep in mind that your body belongs to God (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). He provided it to you, and you should treat it as if you were looking after it for Him by keeping it holy and pure (1 Thessalonians 4:3-4).

Even while the Bible does not explicitly state that masturbation is a sin, there is little doubt that the behaviors that lead to masturbation are tainted with sin.

Masturbation is nearly always preceded by lusty thoughts, sexual stimulation of the body, seeing or reading pornographic material, or all of the above.

FAQs (Frequently asked questions)

How can I stop Masturbating?

  • Surrender to God (Make the prayer of healing).
  • Look for a Healthy Distraction.
  • Understand When Sex is Right and Good
  • Find a Christian friend to whom you can confide about this issue and who will pray for you and help you stay
  • accountable.
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What exactly is onanism?

Onanism is another English term with Biblical origins. The phrase itself is derived from a figure in Genesis. Onanism, also known as coitus interruptus, is the “interjecting” of sexual intercourse—specifically. the intentional withdrawal of the penis from the vagina prior to ejaculation.

Onanism is synonymous with the “withdrawal method” of birth control; nevertheless, onanism is defined broadly in Judaism, including withdrawal (coitus interruptus), masturbation, and any other “improper release of seed.”

Is it a sin in the eyes of the Bible?

Although the Bible does not clearly teach that masturbation is a sin, there is no question that the practices that lead to masturbation are sinful.

What does the Bible have to say about self-satisfaction and self-pleasure?

The act of pleasing oneself or meeting one’s desires is known as self-gratification. As a matter of survival, every living organism seeks self-gratification. We are famished, so we go in search of food. We’re thirsty, so we go in search of water. God implanted pleasure sensors in our brains so that we can feel satisfied when our wants are met. Even procreation was intended to be enjoyable. God created our feeling of pleasure, therefore seeking it is not sinful unless the way to achieve it crosses a line. Knowing where that border is might be difficult, but the Bible provides clear rules to help us locate it.


Masturbation is not clearly forbidden or condemned in the Bible. Of course, it condemns all sorts of sexual impurity and dreams involving adulterous relationships, whether true or imagined.

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