Bible Study

Is Pride a Sin? Here is What the Bible Says about It

What Does the Bible Say about Pride?

We realised that many people are asking, is pride a sin? What the Bible says about the proud is simple and clear. Still, some are not clear on why God frowns at it. In this article, we shall explain the concept in the Bible and see what should be a Christian’s perspective towards it.

What is Pride?

Pride does not have a straightforward meaning. It means many things, such as the feeling of respect you have for yourself when you have done something incredible. It can also mean the feeling that you are better or more important than other people.

Clearly, the meaning of pride is relative. It could be positive or negative.

However, in this context, our focus is on what the Bible says about pride. Ordinarily, being proud of yourself over an achievement is not a sin, however, it becomes a sin when you become too full of yourself and boast around with the thought that you are better off.

This means that pride is more of a sin than a virtue.

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But that’s by the way, find out whether pride is a sin in the Bible below.

Is Pride a Sin in the Bible?

Of course, yes. Many Bible verses and stories point to the fact that pride is a sin. In fact, it is one of the deadliest sins that every Christian should avoid.

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The Bible warns us severely about the sin of pride in 1 Samuel 2:3. It emphasises that God weighs our thoughts and actions. Similarly, in Proverbs 29:23, the Bible talks about the ultimate destruction that awaits the arrogant. It says, “a man’s pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit.”

Examples of the Proud & Punishments for the Sin of Pride in the Bible

Don’t they say that pride goes before a fall? A capital punishment awaits those who are proud. Pride is a deadly sin that is condemnable. So it is best to stay humble and respectful both to God and to men.

To further drive home the reasons why pride is a sin, let’s look at some examples of people whose arrogance led to their ultimate destruction in the Bible.

1. Satan

Satan is the chief among those whose pride provoked God. Many creation stories give an account of how Satan refused to obey the order of God to bow for the first man. Though the Bible does not state this explicitly, Jesus Christ said a similar thing about him in Luke 10:18. Revelation 9:1 also describes the fall of Satan after he fell short of God’s glory.

2. Goliath

Goliath is easily one of those that committed the sin of pride in the Bible. Interestingly too, he died as a result of his arrogance and self exaltation. The story of this Philistine warrior is one that every Christian should learn from.

Despite being a giant, God humbled him before David, a small but respectful young land who later went on to kill him with his fling and five stones.

3. Pharaoh

The story of Pharoah, the king of Egypt, is another example of pride in the Bible. King Pharoah rebelled against God by hardening his heart. He refused to honour the word of God through his servant, Moses. His arrogance later brought destruction on the whole land, and he perished with his men in the red sea.

4. Herod

King Herod, during his time, was also notorious for being proud. According to the Bible, he came over terribly and ended his life disastrously.

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These are just a few examples of people with pride in the Bible, and from the illustrations given, we can see that there is a punishment attached to the sin of arrogance

Let’s answer a few questions as regards this topic of discussion below.

Frequently Asked Questions on the Sin of Pride

How is Pride a Sin?

Taking pride over an achievement is not necessarily bad, however it becomes a sin when you are overly proud of yourself, such that you no longer have regard for those around you. In this case, you have become too full of yourself and consider every other person as “nobody.”

Why is Pride Considered one of the Deadly Sins?

Pride is a deadly sin, and in fact, the worst of all because it usually precipitates other forms of sin that God condemns in the Bible.

Is Pride a Sin in Christianity?

Since the stories in the Bible show that it is sin, it therefore makes sense to say that pride is a bad idea in Christianity.


By now, you should be able to clear all your doubts and confusion. Here, we answered the questions on the sin of pride using different scriptural illustrations and explanations. We also listed some examples of proud people in the Bible, as well as the capital punishment they suffered.

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