Bible Study

Who was Job in the Bible and What Happened to Him?

The Story of Job in the Bible

The book of Job in the Bible is an eponymous book in the Old Testament. It narrates the trials of Job, and how he was able to scale through the worst moments of his life. Since there have been a series of questions about this Bible character, we will try to answer some of them below.

First, let’s summarize his life story.

Who Was Job in the Bible?

The Bible introduces Job to us as one of the wealthiest men from the East. It also described him as a “blameless and upright” man who “feared God and shunned evil.” This informs us that Job was one that established an intimacy with God despite his business and other engagements he had.

Originally, Job was not an Israelite. He came from Uz, modern day Saudi Arabia. His historicity also reveals that he had 10 children and livestock, numbering up to thousands. So, to a large extent, we can say that he is a perfect gentleman by the world and by God’s standards.

Things, however, were not the same anymore for Job and his family when the table turned. Satan, having sought God’s permission, tried him and made him lose everything he had, including his children and sources of wealth. Howbeit, what made the Bible story of Job very important was how he demonstrated great faith and patience during crises.

What Happened to Job and What Did He Lost?

As mentioned earlier, Satan sought God’s permission to try Job’s faith in Job 1:9-12. The plan was to see if Job would compromise his faith if a great calamity befell him. Though God granted his request, He restricted him from taking the life of Job, if he would take anything at all from him. He says, “very well, then, everything he has is in your power, but on the man himself do not lay a finger”

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The succeeding verses show that Job lost practically everything he had. However, his faith stood strong, and he was able to weather the storm. For the sake of emphasis, find out how Job suffered in the Bible below.

  • The Sabeans overpowered Job and stole all his oxen and donkeys. They also killed some of his servants (Job 1:14-15).
  • Fire fell from the sky “and burned up the sheep” and some other servants (Job 1:16).
  • The Chaldeans also attacked and carted away Job’s camels, and killed more of his servants (Job 1:17).
  • “A mighty wind swept in from the desert” and destroyed the house where all of Job’s children gathered for a feast, thus killing all of them (Job 1:18-19).
  • Satan inflicted painful sores on Job from the bottoms of his feet to the top of his head (Job 2:7).

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How Did Job Overcome His Trials in the Bible?

As seen above, Job suffered many things that are enough reasons to curse God as Satan had thought. But Job put his trust in the lord and comforted himself in God’s saving power. Interestingly, the Bible recorded that he regained everything that he lost in 10 folds.

Throughout his suffering, Job did not allow his worst conditions to get the best of him. Instead, he became closer to God and trusted him for a reversal of fortune. Even when his wife provoked him to “curse God and die”, he never did.

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Truly, in the end, the patience of Job in trouble and his faith in God brought healing and wealth to him, and the devil was defeated to the glory of God

Frequently Asked Questions on Job

What is the Moral of the Story of Job in the Bible?

The story of Job’s life highlights the fact that those who trust in God can never be ashamed. Additionally, the story teaches us that though pain may last for the night, joy will surely come in the morning. So, as today’s Christians, we should learn from the positive characteristics that Job portrayed during crises. He exercised patience in trouble, Goldy to a fault, and encouraged himself in the Lord.

What does God say about Job in the Bible?

The introductory verses of Job see us through the testimony of God about Job. Has not only described as blameless and upright but also God-fearing.


This post attempts to study the character of Job in the Bible. It explores the life of Job before, during and after his trials. It also exposes the readers to the moral lessons that the story of his life teaches.

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