Christian Living

What Does it Mean to Let Go and Let God?

Let Go and Let God Meaning

Perhaps you have been suffering, yet adamant and trusting in your own strength for a breakthrough. What if all that you ever needed to have a divine breakthrough is a little spark of courage to let go and let God have His way?

Most people do not understand that they don’t necessarily have to exhaust all of their energy before God comes through for them. The Almighty is rich in mercy, and under no circumstances does He want His children to suffer. In fact, it is His delight to see you bask in His glory and grace.

What It Truly Means to Let Go

The Bible encourages us in Proverbs 3:5 to “trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” This unique let go and let God Bible verse means that we cannot survive on our own wisdom and strength alone.

Self-confidence is good, however, over-confidence is bad. It gets to a point where relying on your own effort is not enough to pull you out of your troubles.

As a child of God, you don’t even have to worry. Jesus Christ says that you should cast your burdens upon Jesus because he cares for us.

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Take an analogy from the disciples and Jesus. When there was a great storm and their ship was sinking, they put their expertise aside as fishermen with many years of experience at sea, and cried to Jesus for help. Interestingly, by the power of His words, the sea obeyed Jesus, and there was great calm.

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The point here is, the moment you acknowledge that your strength is not sufficient and cry to God for rescue, He will answer. After all, He tells us in Psalm 50:15 to call upon Him in the day of trouble and He will answer.

Now, if you ask, at what point should I let go of my trials and errors and allow God to take control of my life? The answer is, everything you involve yourself in needs the hand of God.

Have you even understood what it means to give yourself to God yet? It is laying your life bare before Him and telling Him to be at the center of your life. It is like asking God to take over the wheel of your life and drive you on to your destiny.

What to Let Go and Let God Take Control

There are many aspects of your life to hand over to Jesus and let Him take control of. In fact, surrendering your life to His care is best. However, let’s mention a few.

  1. Marriage
  2. Children
  3. Business
  4. Health
  5. Academics
  6. Properties
  7. Government

The list is endless. But if you can allow God to take care of your endeavors for you, it will surprise you that your life will not remain the same again.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Purpose of Letting Go?

The main reason why you should let go of your ego and everything you cling on to and let God take charge of your life is for His name to be glorified.

Does the Bible Say Let Go and Let God?

There are many portions of the scripture that point to the fact that you should be still and let God’s will be done. Proverbs 3:5 specifically talks about trusting God for guidance and help.


Did you learn something new today? Surrendering your life to God willingly is all you need to do to start experiencing His intervention in your life. We gave an illustration of the 12 disciples and their master, and as rightly seen, God took charge of their lives the moment they realised their weaknesses.

Your case is not an exception. Drop your ego and trust God for help today!

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