
Memorial Day Prayer, What Is A Memorial Day And Why Is It So Precious

Memorial day prayer, how powerful and important Is it? Well, red letter day is said to be any day that is memorable in one’s life. 

Before checking to know prayers concerning memorial day, let’s get to define memorial day and what brings it into existence. 

What Is A Memorial Day

According to a normal English definition and in a simple term, a memorial day is used to show honour to people both men and women who kissed the dust during their term of service in the armed force located in the united states of America. This special day is also called the wreath or decoration day. 

How And Where It Emanated From

The first Memorial Day was observed on May 30, 1868, after General John A. Logan issued General Order No. 11 to commemorate those who had died in the Civil War. 

This is how it started. On the 30th of May in the year 1668, some individuals were selected for decorating the graves of the respected comrades who found their death while trying to fight for their country or during a defence. 

The day was originally called Decoration Day and it was created to honour Union soldiers who died during the Civil War. In 1868, General John Logan declared Memorial Day to be a national holiday and it became an official federal holiday in 1971.

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The meaning of Memorial Day has changed over time but it has always been about honouring those who have sacrificed their lives for their country.

Memorial Day In The Bible

Having defined what memorial day means in simple terminology, it also has its definition and ground in the scripture. Let’s get to know more about it and see some memorial day prayers and verses that will be of help to us. 

Memorial day in the Bible is termed to be a form of remembrance. The first biblical reference to the word memorial can be found in the book of Genesis 28 vs 10-22.

What Jacob Did About The Memorial Day

In this chapter above, it is seen that when Jacob built a pillar in the land of Bethel to celebrate a mighty vision of God that he experienced when he was there sleeping. 

The mighty experience that he saw made him feel it must be celebrated so he lifted up the stone upon which he slept. 

when Jacob set a pillar in Bethel to commemorate a powerful vision of God that he experienced while sleeping there.

The experience was so striking that Jacob felt that it must be commemorated, so he erected the stone upon which he slept.

There are lots of memorial day stories and prayers in the Bible. Let’s get to know more about them below. 

Memorial Day Prayer In The Bible

Memorial Day prayer in the bible as said by God to his people that they should render an honourable, acceptable and living sacrifice unto him.

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For he said that those who honour him he will honour and those who despised him would be disrespected. 

According to the Christian memorial day prayer, the prayer goes like this below.

Gracious and faithful  God, On this Memorial Day, we pray for those who courageously laid down their lives for the cause of freedom. May the examples of their sacrifice inspire and motivate in us the selfless love of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 


As the memorial day is vital in one’s life, we must as well pray during this day so God almighty can remember it for good and give us honour as he promised in his word. 

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