Christian Living

Pornography In The Bible, Its History And Side Effects

Pornography” is a popular one, and it’s meaning has altered people’s minds over time. The word originates from the Greek pornographos, meaning “writing about prostitutes.”

In ancient times, it was a neutral term used to describe someone who wrote on sexual subjects or someone who is sexually promiscuous.

What Is The Biblical Meaning Of Pornography?

Pornography in the Bible is not addressed by the name as there are many quotations or references to adultery and prostitution in the Bible.

 The only explicit reference to pornography is in 2 Peter 2: 14-22 where it condemns those who trade away their souls for a moment of pleasure – an act that includes looking at pornography.

The History Of Pornography

The word “Pornography” is derived from the Greek word “Porni” which implies “Prostitute“. The founder of modern pornography is considered to be an Italian author ” Pietro Aretino”.

The depiction of a sexual nature had been in existence since prehistory times. A large number of artefacts have been discovered from ancient Mesopotamia, portraying explicit heterosexual sex.

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Fanny Hill(1748) is regarded as the “very first primary English prose pornography, and the very first pornography used to form a novel.”

This novel is an erotic one by John Cleland which he published in England as Memoirs of a woman pleasure. It is one of the most outlawed books in history.

What Are The Side Effects Of Watching Porn?

There are vast numbers of bad results gotten from watching explicit content, content that can cause sexual arousal.

Pornography can change the routine of the mind and can be a great risk to marriages.

There have been some cases of divorces, and broken marriages in the past years. Excess watching of porn produces boredom and sexual dissatisfaction.

The most obvious consequence is the addiction to pornography which can cause serious problems in one’s life and relationships.

Pornography in the bible is said to also lead to violence against women, which is often filmed without their consent and distributed on the internet without their knowledge.

Frequently Asked Questions

There have been multiple questions arising concerning pornography through these questions you’re sure to get clarification about it.

Does Pornography Affect Relationships?

Without thinking twice, pornography can cause a a broken relationship, there have been vast cases of relationships being broken due to the issue of pornography. It might be the fault of the male partner.

Why Do People Watch Porn?

People watched porn for entertainment, some are a result of peer pressure, boredom, the need for intimacy, masturbation, escape and so many others.

What Is The Rate Of Broken Marriages/Relationships As A Result Of Porn Watching?

The effects of porn watching in marriages or relationships are common and devastating. Some researchers completed a crucial of pornography and they called it a “silent family destroyer or quiet family killer”.

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The study showed that 56-57% of divorces had one spouse with an obsessive interest in watching porn.

How Can I Know I Am Addicted To Porn?

The term ” Addiction” is to be dependent on a particular object or substance. Being addicted to something is that you’re both physically, mentally and emotionally dependent on that particular object.

As such addiction to porn means you can’t do without it, if you discover that you are so attached to watching it and can’t control it, then you’re addicted to porn.

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