
What Is the Prayer of Jabez in the Bible?

All to know about the Prayer of Jabez in the Bible?

Who is Jabez in the Bible?

Little is known about Jabez, except that he was a descendant of Judah, an honest man, and his mother named him “Jabez” (meaning “sorrowful” or “sorrow-maker”) since his birth had been traumatic. He(Jabez) begs God for preservation and blessing in his prayer. Jabez, the “man of grief,” petitions God to keep him from the anguish that his name evokes and foreshadows.

Jabez thoroughly studied and observed the commandments while praying for God to steer his life. In fact, the region where the scribes resided was called after Jabez because of his legal understanding. Because of the numerous disciples, he left behind, his legacy permeated Ezra’s pen.

What Is Jabez’s Prayer?

The prayer of Jabez is a brief yet powerful prayer found in 1 Chronicle 4:10. “And Jabez called out to the God of Israel, “If only You would bless me and enlarge my territory! May Your hand be with me and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted the request of Jabez”.

Jabez’s prayer goal was to be free of grief, and the very last word we read concerning him is that God listened and answered his plea. Jabez’s earnest prayer for blessing, like Solomon’s humble petition for wisdom (1 Kings 3:5-14), was answered. His triumph outweighed the pain of his beginning. his prayer triumphed over his name.

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What Does it Mean to Pray Like Jabez?

To pray like Jabez is to offer God our lives as a blank canvas.

Cling unto God for some amazing biblical purpose for your life in this world and don’t let go till He gives it to you from His loving hand.”

It takes complete devotion to lay our needs and desires at His feet, trusting completely that He will guide us in the proper direction. We are to pray faithfully for a godly view of our purpose on this earth through our intimate relationship with Christ.

God demonstrates the necessity of interaction with Him through Jabez.

Some of the prayers made by Jabez which we can also include in our prayer points

God’s blessing

Jabez recognizes that the God of Israel is the giver of all blessings and requests God’s grace. This supplication was undoubtedly influenced by God’s promise of blessing the descendants of Abraham.

A Territorial expansion

Jabez prays for prosperity and success in all of his pursuits, and for his life to be defined by growth.

The Presence of God’s hand

This was Jabez’s way of asking God for direction and for His might to be visible in his daily life.

Safety from danger.

Jesus told His disciples to pray (Matthew 6:9, 13). Jabez has faith in God as his protector.

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What to Learn From Jabez

Not only did Jabez know who God truly is, but he also prayed with the appropriate attitude. Jabez bucked his projected destiny as well, despite all the obstacles.

Because of what God had done in him, he was a conqueror. He pushed through the difficulties that life gave him, and in doing so, he glorified God.

We may be going through our own trials and tribulations. But, like Jabez, let us learn to turn to the God in whom we have faith. Ask him to do great things through us and to be the one to lead us every step of the way. With such a mindset, God will undoubtedly answer our requests positively.

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