
Prayer Warrior, These Are Myths Surrounding This Term

As a Christian brethren and someone who is rooted in God’s loves as well as doing his wills, praying can be a hard thing to do especially when surrounded by lots of circumstances or you are becoming so busy with your works, business, or chores around any field in which you dwell or in your vicinity 

No matter how busy you are, you must be very prayerful, Gods said it in his word that one is expected to pray without seasons which means no matter the circumstances surrounding you or in any adversity, you must be very prayerful.

Praying has lots of benefits, it connects you and God and makes your love stronger in Christ, praying allows God to always remember you and it is as well the master key to God’s heart and as well to open doors. 

As a believer and even unbeliever, looking around the world and you will find out that things are happening, from violence, conflicts, wars, kidnapping, men and women plotting evil against themselves and so many other things happening around the world and especially in Africa. 

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Things Happening And Why You Need To Pray

Not only that, if you check around you can find out that the evil dominating one’s vicinity is at a very high rate and that one must be very careful in all things one does in this life.

Moreover, this same evil and jealousy exist among friends as nowadays, friends are even turning into enemies, backstabbing each other and some evil kill their loved ones due to jealousy.

With all these things happening, how can you live above them and escape through all these evil acts happening around your vicinity and even in the world at large?

Well, they are very important, and these are the things you need to know and do. The fact here is you must be very prayerful in all you do so as to have power against evil principalities and powers from the kingdom of darkness afflicting your life or your family. 

You don’t really know what is happening in the spiritual world because your body is physical and then you cannot perceive the evil happening around you.

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Praying And Doing God’s Will

But how will you know? Praying and doing God’s will help you through, you might even get a dream or vision about evil things or things that are not associated with God so for you to know how to be very careful. 

If you have some gifts of the holy spirit like praying and speaking in different tongues or the ability to discern between good and the bad spirit, praying as well will help to strengthen these gifts and it will be of more use to you and to your heavenly Father who is the finisher of your faith. 

As we have discussed things happening in the spiritual realm and see why it is important for you to pray, it is not stopping here, since God says you should pray in all seasons, thereby becoming a prayer warrior will be of very good use to you and even your family at large.

Who Is A Prayer Warrior?

Like it was said above about why we need to pray and how hard it can seem to be at times, becoming a prayer warrior is like having the straight route to reach God’s mind.

A prayer warrior is one who is so devoted to praying to God, he might be an evangelist, a prophet, or even a common member of the church who is so fervent in prayer almost all the time.

 Not only these, but a prayer warrior can also go into several battles to even pray for his fellow individuals by joining hands together with some other Christian brethren or praying alone. 

Prayer Warriors Examples In The Bible 

If you are familiar with the scripture, you will find out that there are certain individuals who love Praying so much that even in adversity or in circumstances, they still find time to pray to God.

You can see an example from Daniel, this great man of God was very prayerful, it was recorded that he usually pray at least 3 times daily and he also puts his people in prayer as well.

There was a time Daniel prayed to the extent he was seen by the evil people of the land who were instructed to keep watch on anyone praying as ordered by the king.

Daniel was caught and brought to justice and was finally thrown into the lion’s den. Ohh, what a horrible scene. 

It was said that an angel of God appeared in the lion’s den and shut down the mouth of the lions. Wow, you can see the power of prayer? It was even said that lions make friends with Daniel. 

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This is a story that wows many and surprises a lot of individuals present there within. 

There is also another great prayer warrior in the Bible, Deborah is a prophet of God and is also a great prayer warrior that is filled with lots of virtue. It was recorded that prophet Deborah restored peace to Isreal for 40 years. 

Qualities Of A Prayer Warrior 

To be a good prayer warrior, you must possess certain qualities.  Since praying is related to faith, as prayer warriors, we must have hope, trust, and faith in God.

 You must be consistent, a prayer warrior must have the habit of praying consistently both in good and bad seasons. 

Lastly, a prayer warrior must heed the instruction of God and must be obedient to the commandment of God.

Benefits Of Being A Prayer Warrior 

Like it was discussed above, praying is a very nice habit and as a prayer warrior, you are not just a normal being, you are spiritually inclined with God and he must listen to anything you plead for during a prayer session.

As a prayer warrior, there are lots of both visible and invisible blessings that will come to you and in your ways and your doings in life. God will help you in many ways and he will as well intercede on your behalf in times of trouble. 


After reading this great attitude, you will find out that indeed praying and becoming a prayer warrior cannot be overemphasized and it must not be underestimated. 

Becoming a prayer warrior can be a gift and calling from God but you can as well develop this great gift through the acts of praying without seasons. 

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